"u r jus too good to be true, cant take my eyes off you, u will be like heaven to touch.. i want to hold u so much.. at long last love has arrive.. and i thank God i'm alive... you're jus too good to be true..cant take my eyes off you"
isnt that song beautiful?
one of the songs we sang last night. something that struck a chord so deeply in me. well, will be waiting for a guy that i can sing that too ya? me going all sentimental again. :p then again, it is a song that always..i repeat.. always put a smile on my face ya. i shld stop being such a little girl ..swooning at romance. wahahah..
peg n i was talking the other day.. silly us. we realise we always go ga-ga over guys singing for us. lucky peg.. ..now that the guy she is seeing sings for her freely! i got to jus rely on my windows media player....
well, i'm suppose to be writing up my report. for some reason. i cant do it. but i will finish it up asap man. hand it in.and forget it. :p
the aftermath of such a nice weekend. simplicity is the key.
oh ya. i need retail therapy. big time. gonna go out with velda.. maybe ask haz along.. going to clear my whole wardrobe.. time to anyway.. realised all my clothes r.. old, big n.... errr.. well. jus plain? haven shopped this year at all.. since i realised that ok.. now that white dress isnt that bad afterall, maybe i shld get more dresses too *starting to feel horrified thinking such things* . the dress has change my mind abt fashion. ha. well done velda.
as u can see. i'm in the holiday mode. and did i say that the exam is abt 2 weeks away? or less i think.. i dont even know where's the venue.
Your Guide to Japanese Green Tea
2 days ago
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