Makes 1 big serve or 2 small ones.
50grams butter + extra to grease
2 tsp cocoa powder to dust
50grams good quality DARK chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids)
1 egg
1 egg yolk
60grams caster sugar
50grams plain flour
ice-cream to serve
1. Preheat oven to 160 degrees C
2. Butter 1 (or 2) ramekins then dust liberally with cocoa. Shake excess out.
3. Slowly melt chocolate and butter in microwave (30seconds bust) OR over a smal bowl set over a pan of hot water. Stir till smooth. Cool for 5mins.
4. Using electric whisk, whisk egg, egg yolk + sugar till pale and thick. Incorporate chocolate mixture. Sift flour over mixture. Fold in gently using metal spoon. Spoon into ramekins.
5. Bake for 12-15 mins (check check check!).
6. Turn fondant out gently (tap it sharply on the top). Dust with icing sugar if desired. Serve with ice-cream.
7. EAT immediately...
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