Everyone loves a choc chip cookie. Dunk in a good mug of coffee, it adds a special dimension to morning craziness. A giant choc chip cookie is such a comfort food. One that I see regularly in cafes. Being a student and constantly being on a budget, I just couldn't justify spending $4 for a cookie! $4 can make me a batch of cookies! *ok, stingy daphne talking here*.
I finished 1 chapter of my thesis on Friday. Started 7:30am and stopped 10pm with 1 cooking break, 2 eating breaks and several toilet breaks in between. I also confess to a few facebook breaks as well- It's only courtesy to send a chocolate to someone if they send you something! ;p Nevertheless, it's not quality material but I wrote over 10K of words in 4 weeks. Tomorrow, I'm going to have a meeting with my supervisor to have a chat over my results... I wish I left some cookies for him (just in case he is in a bad mood). Anyhow, they are all gone now!
Back to the cookies, some of you might know that I'm in search of a perfect cookie recipe. Those crunchy, deli style type. Even though I have not succeeded, I did stumble across a few gems. Usually, I'm not a big fan of chewy cookies-too cakey for my liking. I suspect however that I might have over-mixed some of them.
These turned out beautifully. I may be a weirdo but I depend heavily on my "six sense" whenever I bake. You know, the texture of the dough, or perhaps even a lick of the spoon just before you put that into the sink. It's this feeling that it will turn out either 'ok', 'fail', or 'great stuff'. Since baking is never black and white, I will say that this cookie is on a scale between 'ok to great stuff'. Worth keeping and will definitely keep everyone around you happy.
Big Fat Chewy Choc Chip Cookie (makes about 10 cookies)
2 cups of flour
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
1/2 teaspoon of salt
3/4 cup (170grams) butter melted
3/4 cup of brown sugar
1/4 cup of white sugar
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
1 egg
1 egg yolk
2 cups of dark choc chips
1) Preheat oven 180 degrees C. Line cookie trays with baking paper.
2) Sift together flour, baking soda n salt.
3) Cream melted butter, brown sugar, white sugar. Add vanilla, egg, yolk till light and creamy.
4) Fold dry ingredients in.
5) Add choc chips cookies. Fold it in gently.
6) drop cookie dough 1/4 cup a time on prepared cookie sheets. Cookies should be about 3-4 inches apart. Spread it out a little so that it is not that thick.
7) bake for 15 mins or so till golden brown.
8) Cool on baking sheets for a few mins then transfer to wire racks.
9) Dunk in coffee or tea and say "ahhh"
adapted from All recipes.
Cookies are my favorite food group :)
ALL GONE?!?! :(
There goes my choc chip cookie!
Don't forget to buy him a cup of good brewed coffee to go with your cookies!....lol
thanks for posting the recipe, we love choc chip cookies n they r so expensive at Amos.
Wow, I love chewy ones. Thanks for posting recipe.
Kelly- I agree with you! Cookies are in a separate food group altogether.
Tigerfish-gone!! hheehhe.
big boys oven-too late, I found him drinking coffee from paper cups!haha
Peony- you are welcome! I know, Amos is so ex but yet sooo delish!
Singarishgirl-yay! you can post here now. =) You are welcome. Give it a go and let me know how it went. =)
Very nice! I like big chewy cookies too!
little corner- me too!!!! So addictive!
Hi, your choc chip cookies looks great. It reminds me of my craze over chocolate during my pregnancies. Anyway, choc chip cookies still my favorite, crunchy and yummy...
Lovely recipes, but I can't seem to be able to see the photos. Will hop by later to see them again.
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