Being a clinical psych trainee (last few months to use this title!) means long hours spent on campus. I formed great friendships while sharing dinner (consisting of cheese and crackers in case u r wondering) at 7pm in the clinic with great people. Jessie, one of the 2nd year Masters student is one of them. Although we are in different batches (I'm in 3rd year), we share some workshops together and more recently, we share a baking hobby as well.
Jessie wanted my Lemon Poppy seeds cupcakes recipe... and I posted it on the wall of her facebook profile. Soon after, she gave me this melting moments recipe. So one morning when I'm short of killing myself by knocking my head on the table, I decided that it will be more productive to bake something instead. You know, to let the frustration go... So I printed the recipe and TaDah... made Jessie's melting moments.
I do want to try Donna Hay's recipe and perhaps to pipe the little biscuits out. I do think that the biscuits are a little too thick. The cream however was fantastic!
Jessie's Melting Moments
125g softened butter
1/2 cup icing sugar
1/2 cup custard powder
1 cup SR flour
Vanilla Cream:
45g softened butter
1/2/ cup icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 teaspoons of milk
Preheat oven to 160 degrees
1) Beat butter in a bowl
2) Add in sifted icing sugar until fluffy
3) Rub flour into butter mixture.
4) Add milk to make the mixture moist enough to make little balls
5) roll them into little balls, but make sure that they are little (teaspoon scoop size). And press down on them very lightly!
6) Bake until golden
7) Beat all the icing together for the cream and spread the cream between 2 biscuits when they are cool.
We are heading to Sydney for a short 5 days trip to attend a wedding. woohoo! Holiday here I come! Stay tune for pictures of Sydney soon. See ya!
i thought they were macarons at 1st glance, daph! haha, silly me. btw, you're on facebook? i've signed up and not sure how to navigate my way around. it doesnt look as userfriendly as friendster :(
Little little hamburgers look...
Very cute looking cookies!
Got an award for you. Come visit me. ;)
They look tasty, but when things are bitesized, I tend to eat too many!
looks so sexy...not you lar....those biscuits on the rack~
*reach out with my palmS* may i have some please!!!!!!
so cute. Looks really delicious and melt in the mouth..yummy!
evan-hehe. I wish I can make those little beauties. I tried twice and failed... =(
celine-heh.. they do look like tiny hamburgers.
little corner-cute and fat though.
singarishgirl-thanks! another rockin girl award! woohoo!! *hugs*
Kelly- i know.. i do that too! hhaha.
Big boys oven- *sobsob* now my biscuts look better than me.
babe_KL- *take one from rack and place it on Babe's palm*
retno-it was crumby and lovely to eat! too bad it's a little thick!
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