Around 6 months ago, when I was deep into the pages of writing, editing and screaming at the computer, my aunt msged me on MSN. Now, perhaps it was the lack of sleep and incoherent mind that was talking but I found myself promising to bake a cake for her beautiful princess' Sophia's 1st birthday.
I figured out that since I missed the birth of both my cousins, it would be a privilege to do something for them. Besides, when Irene and I were little kids, we played so much "Masak masak" that we thought it would be lovely to do the REAL thing now that we are adults! :P
Well, hopefully Sophia won't look back at her 1st birthday photos and say "what an ugly cake".
The trial was abit of a disaster. Being the "baker" that I am, I forgot 2 very important ingredients-coconut and raisins! Well, the princess did not complain and finished nearly a slice all by herself. Personally, I was disappointed. The cake was still slightly wet despite baking for nearly 1 hr and it was a tad too sweet.
The real thing took us 8-9 hours to assemble. The theme was Princesses and Knights and we chose to have a castle cake. Flavor? Well, healthy carrot cake of course. The fondant was a nightmare and it took us 2 hrs before we managed to come up with something decent. The end product looked reasonable but it wasn't what we were expecting. The taste of the cake was better than the trial (Phew!) but it could be better.
At the end of the day though, Irene and I looked back and laughed. We laughed at how much effort we put in and the relationship that we have. Technically, Irene is my aunt (3 yrs older than me mind u!) but she is really more like an older sister to me.
2) The rendezvous with 3 guys.
I did something real naughty while I was in Singapore.
I went out on a date with 3 guys.
Well, I thought I should live it up a little since I'm about to get hitched.
Too bad, it wasn't a real date. :x

The 3 guys were my secondary school classmates. It was really nice of Marcus to arrange the meeting and what a BLAST we had. We had a great dinner at the Soup Restaurant in Paragon, Orchard and coffee at The Coffee Bean.
It's hilarious to think that we know each other for more than 10 years. Oh yes, they have seen me in my heaviest/ugliest days and I have seen them in THEIR shorter days. :x
We recounted tales of horror and laughs of the past. Marcus and I, being "Macbeth" and "Lady Macbeth" in a mini class play, nearly sprouted out some lines..and I'm glad we didn't. Phew. That would be horrible.
Given that one of the guys is about to proposed to his gf, we even had a conversation on diamonds! A talk about diamonds with THREE guys? Now, that's really refreshing. But it was fun. We spoke about careers, life in general, future...
And besides, they are really cute... :x
3) The Goodbyes.

My family together with Peggy and Ben sent me off to the airport. T3 is huge! But it was lovely just having a few extra moments with them. I couldn't stop the tears as I headed to the plane but I know I will be back.
The food on the plane was reasonable. It wasn't fantastic either which was disappointing. I'm usually a fan of plane food. Don't ask me why but I like it! The warm bread with butter (the only time I have butter with my bread), the salads and the dry fish. Well, the pasta salad with smoked ham was really good though.
So I arrived back in Perth. Into the arms of my beloved Fiance. Still this trip has made me rethink about relationships and where I would really want to be in the future.
I like this post! It simply reflects life as it is. Everyday is exciting and we should treasure each day as it passes.
Oops, sorry. Did I sound like I was lamenting? :O
Hehe, reminds me of a photo I took with three pretty ladies once at a party... Oh the scandalous rumours for months after that! Lol.
Just want to say, you look "Gorgeous" in that pictures!
You know what, it doesn't matter that it wasn't perfect. You aren't a professional. It's the love and effort you put into making that cake. If she wanted perfect, your aunt would have ordered it from a shop. :)
Daphne, this post is so full of life moments and times to ponder and reflect. So emotional...
I've finally got time to read through all your posts with regards to your trip back to SG & MY. Wow, looks like you had fun! :-)
you did a great job on the b'day cake.
can understand the tears... I hate going on the plane alone too, n spending hours inside the terminal waiting for the take off all by myself.
You should show a bigger picture of that cake. It looks really amazing. It totally looks like a castle. Good job!
naughty naughty daphne heehehehehe...3 guys eh? ;)
Nice holiday you had. Spending precious time with your loved ones.
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