Monday, September 29, 2008

Plum Sauce BBQ Pork (Char Siew) Fettuccine

My attempt in fusion =). Whenever I can, I try to buy roast pork in bulk and freeze it. It's something that my grandmother do and I learned that from her. Good tasting roast meat is really versatile and gives a "buzz" to any dish. It comes in really handy whenever we are tight on time but needed a good meal to ease of the tension of the day.

I realized that plum sauce is a good addition to the pantry as well. It serves as a good base and provide abit of tang to pastas or even as a sauce for wraps. So one Tuesday evening (Tuesdays are pasta days!), I raided the freezer and came up with this combination.

Plum Sauce BBQ Pork Fettuccine (serves 4)
250grams of fettucine
200 grams of char siew or roast pork fillet
3-4 tablespoons of plum sauce
2 cloves of crushed garlic
1 floret of broccoli chopped
1 cup of peas
1/4 cup of chicken stock

1) Cook fettuccine in boiling salted water. Drain and keep warm.

2) Saute garlic in a pan. Add char siew and cook till warm through. Add broccoli, peas and chicken stock and cook till done. Add plum sauce. Season. Toss fettuccine through. Serve warm!

I'm back this week for Presto Pasta! This week is hosted by Ulrike of Kuchenlatein. Be sure to check out Ruth the founder of Presto Pasta Nights as well!


Noob Cook said...

I love char siew and I was just craving it ... guess I must buy it this weekend =D plum sauce + char siew sounds like a great idea! XD

Christo Gonzales said...

I just love the personal twist you put on things...this sounds great.

tigerfish said...

Char Siew being freezer friendly...I think I need to stock up on some soon!

Love Asian flavors in pasta, always. Yours is a good one. Add some wontons and you get a hawker delight!

bossacafez said...

i didnt know charsiew is called roast pork! i always associate roast pork with 'siew yoke'. and charsiew is the bbq pork haha. never tried it in pasta b4, but its sure good with fried rice :D

daphne said...

noobcook- Me too! I have been craving for char siew too.

doggybloggy- thanks!!

tigerfish- it is!! I love having it in the freezer-which reminds me...running low now!

Evan- I think u r right and I'm wrong! Post edited! =) Love this in fried rice too!

ostwestwind said...

What an awesome pasta dish, thanks for sharing it for PPN

Ulrike from Küchenlatein

Little Corner of Mine said...

What a great creation using plum sauce!

Anonymous said...

wooo hooo!!! another pasta recipe for me to try... the combination of roasted pork (char siew) and plum sauce gave this pasta the oriental twist that i'm so excited to try... thanks for sharing another winner here Daphne... :)

The Blonde Duck said...

I love to freeze things! Good for you!

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

fusion to the max..nvr knew char siew can go with time i shud think abt it when i go eat char siew..

Kenny Mah said...

Char siew and fettucine. Two of my favourite things. TOGETHER. Three cheers for fusion cuisine! :D

daphne said...

ulrike-it is my pleasure =)

little corner- thanks dear!

mikky- ^5! Thanks for the kind words dearie! I really appreciate it-especially when another fellow flogger likes it too!

the blonde duck- yay to the frezeer. What would we do without it?

joe-haha. I'm still new to it as well but it's nice to experiment.

Kenny- Very true. Well, it means more meals that we can create right? =)

Beachlover said...

east meet west pasta!! what a great creation!! so long I didn't eat any char looking at your char siew make me drooling!! oh! thanks to remind me to participate pasta night again!!

Lyrical Lemongrass said...

Good tip on the plum sauce. Will try it next time!

Little Inbox said...

The char siew looks a bit weird. Do you slice it on your own? My mom teach me to cut vertical across the long lines you see on the pork fillet.
This will improve the texture and easier to bite on. got what I mean?

SIG said...

Haha, me had char siew wanton mee for lunch. ;) And then see your char siew greeting me. Hehe.

Chibog in Chief said...

i have never tried using roasted pork with fettuccine ;;much more the plum sauce. this is so brilliant idea!! i love it

Precious Pea said...

Yummy! Great combition! Good idea to stock up char siu and roast pork.

CECIL said...

Never knew that char siew is freezer friendly!! Thanks for the tips. I loveee char siew, actually I can eat it just like that. :( That's such an embarrassing confession.

daphne said...

beachlover- Thanks! U hv to participate in pasta nights- it's a fun event!

lyrical- =)

little inbox- What u r saying is to cut across the grain? Yeah, I get what u mean =) I didn't cut the char siew, I always ask them to do it for me.. so that it's even easier! =) It wasnt tough though. Very tender and lean.

sig- I miss char siew wanton noodles- esp the dry ones!

dhanggit- I'm glad u like it!! It's a good left over dish too.

precious pea- it is isnt it? Esp in Malaysia-plenty of that!!

daphne said...

Cecil- me too! It's very addictive.

Big Boys Oven said...

hahahah this a very original fuaion dish . . . . . lovely tender taste!

Jin Hooi said...

I love char siu!!! You have just convinced me to stock some this week ;-))

Jessy and her dog Winnie said...

This looks great!

Ruth Daniels said...

I wish there was a really good Chinatown here in Halifax. I miss Toronto's Spadina Avenue. Don't think I can find any bbq pork here.

Your dish has me drooling. Thanks for sharing with Presto pasta Nights.

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