Friday, September 12, 2008

Traditional Mooncakes Take 2

Bored of mooncakes yet? I'm still at it! This is my 2nd batch which I made yesterday (yes, all my other posts are delayed now!!).

I used the wooden mould this time. The pattern is more distinctive isn't it?
My only complain and DOH moment was that I think I over baked it by 5 minutes which resulted in some of them looking slightly dry and cracked.

Having said so, I think the size of the mooncakes are definitely more even than the previous post!
And I'm slowly getting the hang of it ... I think!
Then I tried to make the large ones... and the poor lion. We can barely see his face.

We cut one up yesterday..and AR said it tasted better than my first batch. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be... So hopefully that means it is an improvement!


Beachlover said...

Look good to me!!..I still have plenty mooncake even give away some,dunno who going to eat:(

Noob Cook said...

wahhhh.... looks good leh ... I think next year's mid autumn, you can open store selling them in Aust liao :D

Kenny Mah said...

I'm impressed how many attempts you make and the variety too! I have just bought my new cake mixer two weeks ago and haven't even used it yet. Lots to learn from you on proactivity... :)

Anonymous said...

wow... looks good... you are truly incredible... :)

sara angel said...

I've never had a mooncake, but you're making me want to try one!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Surely look better than the first batch. Good for you!

Christo Gonzales said...

since you made 'better' ones you can send the others to me....they all look delicious

SIG said...

Wow, never give up attitude? That's great. Daph, you have to leave them for 4 days before consuming so that the oil will even out I think and make the skin softer.

Anonymous said...

I think you're ready to start a mooncake business! Money, money, money.. :-)

tigerfish said...

I favor the mini ones these days because I can have the whole thing by myself without feeling guilty!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I think you did a great job on the mooncakes! I miss mooncakes, and unfortunately they're not too easy to buy in Tokyo! I miss all the Asian grocery shops in Perth where I can go OTT on mooncakes.

daphne said...

beachlover-me too! hehe. There will always be someone i think. =)

noobcok-i wish leh. Still not good enough to be sold.

kenny-ooo. a new toy! u hv to start using it!

miky-thanks so much for adding me to your link. i will add u asap.

sara-angel-welcome! and u hv to try one. it's lovely.

little corner-thanks!

doggybloggy-hehe.maybe i shld! thanks for the encouragement.

sig-u r right!! it did become softer.

zen chef- haha. not yet though..but it does have a nice ring to it.

tigerfish-me too!! it's so true!

jeanniebayb-thanks dearie!Are there versions of mooncakes in Tokoyo I wonder? Have u relocated there frm Perth?

Anonymous said...

Hi Daphne,

There are mooncakes in Japan, but we'd have to travel into Chinatown in Yokohama (in an adjacent prefecture to Tokyo) which is a bit too much effort and travelling time just for some mooncakes. Maybe I'll just have to do what you did, and make 'em myself!! Too bad the ingredients are just as difficult to obtain here..

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