Monday, November 24, 2008

Creamy Honey Salmon Pasta

To kick start the week of Presto Pasta, my first dish is of course..pasta! Here, I have used honey to marinate the salmon and I'm surprised that it gave a bit of the sweet but not overly sweet taste. It reminded me of my maple smoked salmon salad in Marion Bay!

I love how creamy yet non-sinful this dish is. Salmon makes me feel good anytime!

Creamy Flaked Salmon Pasta (Serves 4)
1 fresh salmon portion (200+grams)
olive oil
pinch of cumin
1 tsp of honey

250 grams of spaghetti
1 tablespoon of butter
1 tablespoon of flour
1 cup of skim milk
1 tablespoon of honey
1 cup of frozen peas
1 cup of fresh baby spinach

1) Marinate salmon with honey, cumin and cracked pepper/salt. Heat grill to very hot. Drizzle olive oil over salmon. Grill salmon till done. Set aside. Flaked it when it cooled.

2) Mean while cook pasta in pot of boiling hot water. Drain.

3) Melt butter in deep pan. Add flour and cook till golden brown. Slowly add milk and whisk it till it becomes thick. Add honey and stir well. Add peas and spinach and cook till done. Add abit more stock or milk of it appears too little or dry. Toss pasta and flaked salmon through. Season if needed. Serve!

Serving this up for Pasta Presto Nights founded by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast and hosted my yours truly this week!.

Send your entry to daphnesu16(at)yahoo(dot)com!


Kenny Mah said...

Lovely. But I've been having way too much creamy pasta of late (had the best fettucine quattro formagi at Michaelangelo's yest) and I loathe tomato saucces. Any ideas for something new, pasta-wise for boring ol' me? :)

Noob Cook said...

looks really delicious ... I must try my hand at making creamy pasta some time soon

test it comm said...

That pasta looks nice and creamy and good!

Unknown said...

creative use of honey in the pasta! creamy pasta...always count me in! ^_^

Anonymous said...

looks so yum... will let hubby try this soon... :) btw, pls. don't forget to pick-up your award...

tigerfish said...

I always prefer tomato-based to creamy. But once in a while, I'll be tempted by creamy now...

Sharon said...

Thank you for reminding me about Presto Pasta Nights! I'll send you my entry. Your pasta looks heavenly...definitely something I'll be making after Thanksgiving :)

petrina said...

sounds yumm!!!!!I love salmon too :)

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Adding honey to the salmon is a great idea! Will try this pasta soon! :)

Benji said...

And it's Marion Bay.. Da.. not Mamion Bay..

daphne said...

hehe. thanks everyone! Keep those entries coming in!

Benji-thanks! Mamion is the street near where I work.. oops!

Aimei said...

Hey Daphne

This looks good, but was wondering what flour did you use? How you cook until golden brown? Wouldn;t it be just like cooked pancake? :P

daphne said...

Hey aimei!!!

Just plain flour.... after u melt the butter, u add the flour and stir it. It becomes a paste and will slowly turn golden brown. Then slowly add milk and keep whisking..that will turn into a white sauce.. or usually known as bechemal sauce. give it a go! It will not turn into pancake at all.

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