Monday, November 03, 2008

Thai Red Seafood Curry

Every year at around this time, I reflect on how blessed I am. It's not just about the food, career or the roof over my head. I have the basics (and perhaps even more sometimes). It's about the relationships that have been built over the years. Because out of so many people in the whole wide world, these people cared enough to pop me an email/sms/facebook/phonecall/blog just to wish me happy birthday.

This year, I also reflect on how God has blessed me back my health in time for chocolate cake. If there is once slice of cake that I can eat without guilt, it would have to be the slice on THE birthday isnt it? With each bite, I counted my blessings. And then I ran out of bites...

Maybe I should have gone for second helpings.

Thank you to my lovely friends and family. You guys are amazing.

While I get my act together and start posting some photos for our prewedding photoshoot (Also done on my birthday! See! Killing 2 birds with 1 stone, photos for my birthday and wedding-handy huh? LOL), please do enjoy this curry, I loved it! And I know u will as well.

Thai Red Seafood Curry (serves 4)
300 grams of seafood (fish, squid, prawns)
100 grams of baby corn
100 grams of snow peas
1 cup of green peas
100 grams of spinach leaves
2 carrots chopped

2.5 tablespoon of thai red curry
1 can of lite coconut milk
2-3 tablespoons of flour
1 egg

1) Slice seafood into equal portions. Pat dry with paper towels. Coat seafood with egg than flour.

2) Heat work with oil. Fry battered seafood till golden brown. Set aside.

3) Heat red curry paste till fragrant. Add all vegetables and cook till soft. Add can of coconut milk. Simmer for around 2-3 minuites. Add seafood. Cook for around 5 minutes. Serve with warm rice.


Christo Gonzales said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FAR AWAY FRIEND......that cake looks great and I think you are obligated to eat extra pieces for those of us that are too distant to partake!

Piggy said...

Happy birthday! :-)

Jin Hooi said...

Happy Birthday !!

Noob Cook said...

Happy belated birthday! :) the seafood rice looks fantastic

Cynthia said...

Darling! A very happy birthday to you!

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

i miss my thai lunch takeout!..happy birthday!

daphne said...

awww. thanks everyone! =)

SIG said...

Very sweet post. Happy birthday dearie, again. :)

Little Inbox said...

Happy birthday!! Well, really can't wait to see your wedding photos. :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Happy Birthday!! You know, the chocolate cake looks so big in front of you! Yes, we love Thai red curry too, a change from the M'sian curry.

D said...

You're only 25? Way young! Happy Birthday nonetheless =)

Par said...

Happy sweet birthday!!
May I have a slice....hehehe

petrina said...


Sounds like you had a great time!!

hehe thai... we should go try that Thai place we were supposed to go first time round :)

Lyrical Lemongrass said...

Sigh. 25. Seems like a lifetime ago.

Happy birthday once again. :-) (Love your new're gorgeous :-) )

test it comm said...

Happy birthday!

daphne said...

haha. thanks everyone!!

will drop an email to u Petrina.

Lyrical-aww.. *blushed* thanks for liking my new look! Not that I have the patience to maintain it.. hahaha..

Big Boys Oven said...

wow! did I see those giant cakes! wow!

tigerfish said...

happy belated birthday!
stay healthy and happy :)

Anonymous said...

you look so pretty there... happy birthday... may God continue to bless you richly... :)

CECIL said...

Happy Birthday!!! Such a beautiful cake you got there.

Unknown said...

happy bday!

wish you:
- health
- love
- success
- happiness
- loads of good food



Adeline said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! BELATED!!!!! sorry i guess i missed it....

Wandering Chopsticks said...

Happy belated birthday! Best wishes!

Jude said...

Happy 25th! :)

gtyuk said...

yummy yummm, sounds authentic and original:)

and very belated Happy Birthday :)

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