Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year!!- Thai Red Curry Chicken


The year of 2009-what will that bring you? This year is full of excitment for us and a first for many things. Our up coming wedding is certainly on our mind, my REAL graduation celebration and of course travel travel!

Food wise, it is going to be another year of discovery. Certainly new recipes to try, lazy days to battle with and lovely adventures in the tiny kitchen.

I keep a tub of either Thai red or green curry paste in the fridge for emergency meal ideas. You can't go wrong with coconut milk, curry paste and a whole bunch of veges/meat can you? Check out my Thai Red Seafood Curry. Certainly I have toyed with the idea of using the curry paste in fish cakes as well-I just need a food processor!

Thai Red Curry Chicken (serves 4)
300-400 grams of chicken thighs
2 tablespoon of Thai Red Curry Paste
1 can of lite coconut cream
4-5 cups of mixed veges of your choice (I used fresh beans, onions, carrot, red capsicum, baby corn)

1) Heat wok. Saute red curry paste. Add onions and fry till nearly done. Add chicken and cook for around 4-5 minutes. Add coconut cream and simmer with veges. Simmer for 10 minutes or so.

2) Serve with rice!


Piggy said...

Happy new year, Daphne!

I also have a tub of curry paste in the fridge, I guess it's common for ppl in our part of the world to do that, just in case we run out of idea of what to cook! ;-)

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

used to b my favourite fix for lunch..but not i cook 1..its a dash to the nearest thai stir fry curry beef with fried rice!

Little Inbox said...

Happy New Year 2009!

Dee said...

Happy new year, Daphne! Looks like 2009 is going to be pretty fabulous for you :)

It's so refreshing to get a whiff of your enthusiasm in the face of so much doom and gloom. I completely agree that it's time to find enjoyment in simple pleasures (although a KitchenAid would be nice too!).

Jessy and her dog Winnie said...

Looks great! Happy new year!

Kenny Mah said...

Hehe you got to love them Thais --- they got more curries than colours of the rainbow! Bet this one tasted yummy....

Christo Gonzales said...


Anonymous said...

looks like it's going to be an exciting year for you... cheers!!! :)

SIG said...

Happy New Year to you, and an exciting year too. :)

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