Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm Back!!


Wow! What a 3 weeks. I can't believe it has been THAT long since I posted a post. AR and I spent 10 days in KL/SG last week and it was a blast. Wedding planning + good food + Chinese New Year celebrations = Happy Daphne.

It has also been at least 2 years since I last celebrated CNY at home. Sitting at our round table, enjoying our steamboat dinner, laughing, joking...and then my customary walk with grandma to the flower markets. Life is simple but oh so good.

Meeting up with my girlfriends was so much fun. How I miss their company and our girly chats.

This trip back, AR and I were reminded that we have 3 more months till we say our vows.

I will be back with more food posts soon! =)


Lyrical Lemongrass said...

Was wondering what happened to you! Welcome back! (to the blogosphere, not to Malaysia/Spore, coz u're not in Malaysia/Spore already, are you?)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Aww how nice! I like the last picture of you two together, so sweet!

Little Inbox said...

Ahhh...I've been wondering where are you. I see. Happy Chinese New Year to you & AR!

Babe_KL said...

*hugs* welcome back!!!

Big Boys Oven said...

wow! welcome back! more cooking! :)

Kenny Mah said...

Welcome back, my dear... time to start cooking and dishing out them recipes again! ;)

Oh, and yalor, the last pic of you both is SOOOOO CUTTTEEE! Hehe.

Here's wishing you 新年快乐!

Jin Hooi said...

welcome back honey.. !! glad u had fun there, love the pc of u both ;-) so cute

SIG said...

Welcome home, Daph. Have a great holiday!

Anonymous said...

you two look so happy together :)... glad you had fun with your family...

tigerfish said...

You were back? NO wonder the blog was quiet....
Hope you had all the fun!

Beachlover said...

now I can see AR handsome face! lol! what a couple !! congratulation!

Unknown said...

waaa what a trip! you guys make a cuteeee couple.

btw, any valentine's plan to share? hehehe (nosy)

Jude said...

I know that I'm a bit late to the party but, welcome back!

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