Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tomato Spinach Basil Pinenut Fettuccine

There are nights when I just want a simple clean tasting dish. Tomato Spinach Basil Pine Nut Fettuccine was inspired by my recent trip to the in Singapore. The combination of fresh tomatoes and olive oil motivated me to create a simple tasting dish at home.

I like nuts in my pasta. It just create this additional crunch factor. This time though, I chose to use pinenuts-just a light nutty taste.

Tomato Spinach Basil Pine Nut Fettuccine
2-3 fresh vine tomatoes chopped
1 cup of baby spinach leaves
4-5 basil leaves
1/4 cup of good olive oil
1 few tablespoons of toasted pinenuts.

Heat oil in a pan and fry the tomatoes till it releases the flavour. Toss pasta, spinach leaves through. Add basil leaves last. Season. Toss pinenuts through. Serve with cracked pepper.

Dishing this up to Pasta Presto Nights founded by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast. This week, Niffy from Noobcook is hosting!


Unknown said...

i love fettucini, and i love pine nuts (they are so freaking expensive here T_T). your pasta sounds good as always, daph! :)

Anonymous said...

mmmm! daphne, this sounds like another winner ;-)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Lovely and loves healthy too!

Selba said...

It looks so yummy... :)

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

is there ham as well??

nice summer pasta dish

Big Boys Oven said...

hmmm . . .hmmm . . . .hmmm delicious lar! hmmmm shud have you taken over our kitchen few weeks ago! :)

daphne said...

Mocha-thank you! I love love love pine nuts too....and u r right, they are such an luxury!

gandarnako-awww..thank you!

little corner- u got it!

Selba- =)

Joe- no ham at all! Actually it is vegetarian. No meat.

Big boys oven- I would hv love to learn a few skills from YOUR oven!!

Noob Cook said...

It looks so pretty and refreshing, and I love the idea of topping with toasted pinenuts. Thanks for joining PPN this week ;)

tigerfish said...

That sounds like a mouthful...but too, a mouthful of goodness :)

Anonymous said...

you really know your way around pasta... :)

Hillary said...

This dish looks so simple! Love it - thanks!

Chew on That

Aimei said...

Hey... your pasta always looks yummy yet simple! I love anything nuts too!

SIG said...

That looks lovely, and so healthy. :) I love pinenuts too, but they are rather expensive.

petrina said...

Looks good! I would add a lot of more basil though, love love basil!

CY said...

Wow, great idea for a quick dinner! I'll probably have to serve it with a steak on the side for my carnivore hubby, but it'll be fantastic for me! Thanks for sharing!

Ruth Daniels said...

So simple, so beautiful! Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights. It's always great to see you and your pastas.

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