Have you ever gone to various restaurants, look at what they have in their menu and wondered if those items indeed exist in their own country? For example, I have seen "Malaysian Fried Noodles" and "Singapore Fried Noodles" in menus.. but none of the Singaporeans or Malaysians I spoke to say they exist in their respective countries.
Besides, I don't recall any other fried noodles named by their respective noodles.. How about a Taiwan Style? or Korean Fried Noodles? Or Japanese Fried Soba? mmm..strange.
Wait, I suppose we can call a roast English Roast? Or Spanish Paella.
Perhaps not that strange afterall.
I was curious though and recall asking a chinese takeaway place what's the difference between Malaysian and Singapore Fried noodles. His reply was that Malaysian Fried noodles has turmeric, and Singapore style fried noodles has curry powder it it.
Oh alright then. Since we are a household of BOTH Singaporean AND Malaysian, I shall use both spices in my fried noodles.
and call them Cross Country Noodles!
The truth is, I was trying to avoid using sauces and I have to be creative in using spices instead. I was actually quite surprised by the results. I prefer this version than using sauces I think. The turmeric and curry powder does lift the flavour of bland rice noodles. It also went very well with squid and a little pork mince.
Cross Country Fried Rice Noodles
200 grams of rice noodles soaked in hot water and drained
100 grams pork mince
300 grams of squid sliced
1 onion sliced
3 chilli padi sliced
1 tablespoon of garlic
2 tablespoon of cumin
1 tablespoon of turmeric
1 tsp of hot curry powder
4-5 cups of sliced cabbage
1 carrot shredded
sesame oil
Fry onions, garlic and chilli till nice and fragrant. Add pork mince and fry till cooked. Add in squid. Toss through spices and all veges. Cook for 2-3 minutes. Toss through noodles. Add some water if needed. Season with salt and pepper. Drizzle some sesame oil. Serve hot.

Singapore/Malaysian Fried Noodles also makes me laugh when I see them on the takeaway menus as I don't recall every eating them in their country of origins :) It's the same in other countries though, you get 'Russian Salad' or 'Breton Bean Soup' in Poland, but of course Russians and French haven't come across those dishes at home before, haha!
Haha, a very creative and interesting name for your noodles! And they look good too! I tried cooking something similar too, but in fried rice version. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
Oh, so that is what makes Singapore or Malaysia Fried Noodles. Now I know. I will also see Singapore Fried Noodles in some eateries in the US - and always puzzled what on earth it that cos I have never had that in Singapore before. I usually add turmeric and curry powder to my fried noodles too - so I can borrow your naming - Cross Country Fried Noodles? ;p
I swear I have attempted this so many times and mine are good but never great. Not how I envision them to be- which is exactly what yours looks like. They look perfect
Daphne, you are cleaver that you tried both in one flavor! I wasn't familiar with the taste of the difference between Singaporean and Malaysian. I love noodle dishes, especially Asian noodles... oh so flavorful and I love all kinds of noodle type too. I really wish that I can visit Malaysia and Singapore one day... after seeing so many blogs from there I'm totally hooked in their cuisine. Your noodles look fabulous! So hard to take this kind of photo and you did a wonderful job with the noodles!
what creative ideas you have!! i always see singapore noodles in dry form, with eggs and malaysian style noodles...i'm not sure, we have so many..penang style, indian style and cantonese style..etc..and i love wat tan hor!
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Le gâteau est différent du gâteau aux sons on dirait…
Plus moelleux je trouve hein ? Sinon je vous remercie pour le merveilleux partage. voyances
Joyce- exactly! it's ridiculous!
Eat More La- thanks!
Tigerfish- hehe, please do!
Jessica- you are sweet!
Nami- I hope you get to experience it too! Thank you.
Lena- ya! there is even Singapore Hokkien Noodles!!
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