Thursday, May 15, 2008

Chocolate Rum Pie + Holiday!

In a few hours time, I will be jetting off for a long awaited holiday. One that I don't have to worry about submission deadlines and work responsibilities.

I see food, family, friends, shopping and most of all....good fun!

Rest asssured I will be bringing my camera along and will be updating often!

I cheated with this chocolate rum pie. I used a sweet shortcrust pastry instead of making my own.. but hey, whatever that saves time and looks good right? =)

I delibrately chose this pie to post today because I believe that it represents a sweet start to a new journey ahead.

So stay tuned people!!

Baked Chocolate Rum Tart
300 grams dark chocolate (70%)
200grams butter
2 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoon of castor sugar
generous splash of rum
25cm prebaked shortcrust pastry crust

icing sugar for dusting

Preheat oven to 170C. Chop chocolate and butter. Melt over saucepan and stir till they are well combined. Cool.

Meanwhile, bake pastry shell for 10 minutes. Cool.

Beat eggs, yolks and sugar in a bowl. Whisk with wire whisk till thick and pale yellow in colour. Put a 1/4 of egg mixture into chocolate mixture and fold gently. Do the same for the reminding egg mixture.

Fold the splash of rum in.

Pour mixture into pastry shell and bake for 10 minutes or so. Cool and dust with icing sugar. Serve with ice-cream or cream. =)

See you later guys! I'm off to do more packing! *waves*


Piggy said...

Have a great trip!! :-D

Retno Prihadana said...

Have a nice journey! don´t forget to leave a slice pie for me :)

Beachlover said...

Have a nice and relax vacation !! Don't forget to meet up with all the flogger and blogger,take more makaning pix!!..Stay safe and see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy yr vacation! :)

Anonymous said...

cant wait to see u !

wmw said...

Hope to see you when you're here!

Little Inbox said...

Have a nice holiday!

tigerfish said...

Without deadlines, any holidays can be the best :D
Enjoy and have a safe trip.

Alexander said...

Wooo...! I am spoiled with this :P

Alex's World! -

Kajal@aapplemint said...

Enjoy girl !!!
readymade is ok sometimes....hell u dont always have the time n energy to make one :p

Cynthia said...

Chocolate and rum?! Pure love!

Babe_KL said...

enjoy yr holidays!

Noob Cook said...

the chocs look so rich, yummy! Have a wonderful holiday! :)

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