friday. one more week to the paper. it feels freakish that A is so into studying for it..and i'm still......
one week after the application.. recieved one interview offer.. grrr.. hope i can get more really. oh. and one of my murdoch's referees is in the interview panel! conflict of interest... crap. hope they wont call me up and say that will be invalid... if not, i got to get silvana to be my professional referee...but david is the BEST person to do it for me.. such a hassle. wait and see.. and no..that's not my fault. david did my referee BEFORe they decided who will be in the interview panel.
4 years of undergrad studies.. ending soon. Wahahhaa. i distinctly remember how i got lost on campus on the 2nd day of uni.... and the award ceremony thing i attended. and staring at ppl who r graduating..collecting their gowns.
doesnt make sense.... since i will be back next year! hopefully anyway.
to all who r sick.. recover soon..
Isobeyaki Mochi with Cheese 磯部焼き餅
4 days ago
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