Perth Royal Show is an annual event. A HUGE carnival filled with food, animals and activities. It's mainly catered for children as their 2-weeks break coincide with the duration of the show. A big excuse to buy cheap showbags filled with chocolates.
There are alot of booths but I'm not going to feature all of them. =) Just going to show you the highlights of the trip. It was a pity I was too busy tasting and eating in the Woolworths Fresh Food Pavilion to take photos. ;p
A word of warning-Lots of photos for this post! =)
First up! MY CORN. I rushed to it. Shoving everyone out of my way for my corn cravings.
Just feast your eyes...
haha. SO cute!
haha! My fav! HOMER and his donut... donut....
I was lucky, someone was showing sugar craft so I went to kaypo (nosy)- had 1-1 time with this really friendly lady who gave me sugar craft tips. I don't think I will go into it anytime soon though. Maybe when I'm rich and have lots of time.....
Ok..after looking at all those cakes. We got abit hungry. Stumbling along, we went to a tent with "Indonesian food" as the heading. Indonesia is their guest country this year so lots of indo style food and information on tourism..etc...
Saw this chef having a I stayed and observed his cooking...
The poor guy, he was just cooking away... and only two of us looking at his demo.
Scampi- Look at the size of those!
By this time, he realised that we are serious about observing so he started to teach me how to make the sauce. One curious guy came but for some reason that guy lost interest really quickly so the chef just spoke to me! HA 1-1 lesson! hehehe. To be really honest, I think he was super bored.. hahah
His presentation was lovely.
Apparently he is from Sheraton Perth. He kept asking me to make these dishes at home. If I were to eat in the Hotel, the same dishes will set me back AU$30+ per dish.
So that's it! Fun trip overall... with lots of stuff to see, buy and do. I spotted some bargains- bought a quiche dish for $5, gravy boat for $2.80 and a mixing bowl for $4! Woohoo!
Went home happy.
The cakes are all beautiful! I like the cute bedroom cake.
Home sweet home for me too, after looking at those cakes and finishing up with the Indonesian food :)
What a fun outing with free cooking lessons included. You lucky duck! hehe!
Wow, so fun. Must ask sis go too. :)
thanks for these wonderful pictures.
the cakes r really v pretty.
waiting for u to reproduce those dishes..haha..
What a gorgeous assortment of cakes!
Looks like a great outing that should not miss! Oh lovely cakes!
The cake decoration was a pleasant surprise :) Who says the Royal show is mainly for the kids? :)
Pity they didn't allow us (or anyone) to taste the indonesian food!
OH! How I missed all the funfare!!!
Used to go to the show annually when I was an overseas student at Uni.
Your post brings back lots of sweet memories for me. Thank you.
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