Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Cranberry Chocolate Oat Cookies

As mentioned in my previous post, easy recipes sometimes provide the best results.

This is a well tried recipe. I got this from Little corner. who got it from another blogger who got it from another forum!

I simply can't get enough of this little cookie. Best of all, I used olive oil and not butter-so even healthier. More reason to pop one into your mouth right? Instead of making cranberry shortbread, I'm probably baking this cookie and use cranberries instead! In fact, I will be baking 2 types of cookies for Christmas/engagement party, with the 2nd one revealed later next week.

My version for Christmas is slightly different with the addition of rum and cranberries but it's delicious and definitely a keeper. Why buy cookies when you can make such easy ones (even without using a beater?). You can be sure about what you place in your mouth.

Cranberries chocolate oat cookies
1 egg, beaten
125ml Olive oil
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract (optional)
1/4 cup of sugar

1 1/4 cup self-raising/rising flour
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup cranberries (soaked in rum for 1/2 hr. you can obmit the rum)


1. Mix (A) in a bowl. Add in (B). Mix well.

2. Use your hands, roll and press into balls. Place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

3. Bake at preheated 180C oven for 15 minutes. O

4. Let cool in pan for 5 minutes before transferring it to cool completely on a wire rack. Store in air-tight container.


  1. Looks simple enuff for someone like me! Hehe. Shall try this recipe soon. Thanks!!

  2. Wooo...I can see a cookie series for you recently. I only like to eat and nibble cookies. Seldom make an effort to bake them myself.

  3. Ooops, I got everything except the cranberries.

  4. Looks great! I made this for Christmas too...hahaha....healthy and easy, what else can we ask for right? ;)

  5. lyrical lemongrass- yay! go for it!

    tigerfish-once u start making, u can't stop! u hv to try it too.

    singairishgirl-use raisins or any other dried fruits. Actually, u can omit them altogether and use malteasers! ;p

    littler corner of mine- exactly!!! Anything that makes life easier. Thank you for converting the recipe to cups as well. I dont even have to take out the weighing scale. hehe

  6. Hehe, maltesers. Hmm.. did you try it, did it work? Cos am not sure if they will melt and become flat. Ya, I agree with you that these days I like cup measurements, too lazy to measure. Haha.

  7. You know what, i really miss baking. Always say only though, still haven get my ass off the chair to hunt for my oven.

  8. My darling Daphne you are making it harder for me to go on a diet ;)

    Your recipes are a hit with my family. I will do this one this coming weekend :)

    Have a good weekend babe!

  9. hey daphne!! i tried this out the other day for my health freak parents and they loved it!! its so simple yet yummy. i used apricots and sunflower seeds+ raisins.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!