Friday, January 04, 2008

28th of Dec- Albany Day 1 + Marron Seafood platter!

Albany is a little town about 4-5 hours drive south east of Perth. It's a coastal town facing the Southern Ocean which makes this such a beautiful place to have a short break. AR and I visited Albany before 4 years ago alongside with a group of friends (who are now back in SG or MY). AR even brought his parents there 2 years ago and I was told both his parents fell in love with that place as well.

Our initial plan was to drive down to Margaret river and then head to Albany. However, the Western Australia Tourism Center advised against that as traffic would be heavy during the festive season, hence prolonging our time traveled by another 5-6 hours (total 12-13 hrs on the road!). We decided to take a direct approach and travel down to Albany instead. It turned out to be an excellent decision as that means our holiday wasn't too rushed.
That's Albany Highway.

We passed by William Town and that's just one of the tiny towns that we passed by.
Hungry hungry- Are we there yet?

After like a 4.5 hours drive, we reached our FIRST destination. LUNCH- travel does make us feel hungry! We were so hungry that we didn't even stop to take any photographs of the surrounding areas of this farm. The Albany Marron Farm was a huge reward after so many hours in the car.
WHERE'S THE FOOD?? By that time, it was around 3pm!What's there to eat at the Marron farm u say? Marrons of course! Marrons are a kind of shellfish, sort of in between a crayfish and a lobster I supposed. We ordered the Marron seafood platter consisting of smoked trout, marrons, salads, marinated octopus , beetroot chutney served with 2 different kinds of dressings.

OH! bread before they serve us the platter. Something to help calm the tummy rambles.

When it arrived... all of us were stunned! What a huge platter! On the menu says "for TWO?" All four of us finished that. The girls were full but the boys commented that they could have eaten more. Still, it was around 4:30pm by the time we finished "lunch" so dinner wasn't too long away.

The bbq marron was sooo good. Lovely smokey flavour seasoned to perfection.

The steam marrons- sweet and natural flavours. That went really went with the tartare (?) sauce provided.

I'm abit of a salad girl so I totally dig the egg garden salad with olives and fresh tomatoes. Peggy commented that she wasn't too used to having so many kinds of salads but she tried!!! This actually made me realised how staying in Perth for 8 years has changed my eating habits somehow.
The smoked trout was just BEAUTIFUL! Smoked to perfection, this smoked trout makes you linger for more. The marron was lovely but this smoked trout blew us away. I had the honour of cutting the fish and serving everyone.

Look at this fruits salad. The figs were HUGE(see right and left corner, the pinkish looking fruit)! I have never seen such huge figs before! They were grown organically on the farm itself. So sweet and lovely. I would love this with yogurt! The peach, pear and strawberries were just soooo fresh that Peg and I couldn't stop eating that!

And finally, Albany apartments was the home for us for the next 3 nights. We made mini pizzas for dinner that evening and spent the night planning events for the next day.

Albany Marron Farm
304 Two Peoples Bay Rd
Albany, WA, 6330 - Phone: 08 9846 4239


  1. Wow! A huge platter! Here, platter for two is so small only.

  2. Such a sumptuous ans scrumptious platter! Look at the seafood.

    Hmmm...look like a fun trip for today and the next few days. Enjoy. :)

  3. How fun and I totally dig the seafood platter, yummy yum yum!

  4. Hi there, I just stumbled across your blog. Wow - love the sight of the seafood platter! That looks amazing!! Great way to start a new year!

  5. make me hungry!

  6. The seafood look so so good!! My princess would love to share all those fruits with you and Peg. She's a fruit bat.

  7. this platter looks so gorgeous...oh so gorgeous, I will definitely give you a hand to eat them!

  8. What a Spread! YUM!! This is what an Eating Holiday looks like!
    Have a fantastic 2008, Daphne!

  9. Celine- ya! this is huge lah! But marrons hv less meat so maybe that's why.

    tigerfish- we did enjoy it! now back to work though.. haha

    susan- that was great fun!

    little corner- u r a seafood fan too?

    wok and spoon-definitely! that was amazing food.

    retno- *cheeky grin*

    singairishgirl-hehe..she will enjoy the cherries and strawberries we bought in the farmers market then!

    big boys oven- hehe..can can!! sharing = better food.

    oh for the love of food- this is a great eating holiday! ;p


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!