Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Christmas Day celebration

How was Christmas and New year for you? It has been a great 10 days with 2 of my best friends in Perth celebrating both occasions with us. A hectic year ended with beautiful friendship and company was perfect.

True friendship is hard to find. These 3 people have been in my life since I was a primary school kid. Although our 3rd friend, Ruth couldn't be with us, we never did forget her throughout the trip.

From hot 44C Christmas day/boxing day to COLD BBQ at Middleton beach in Albany, this trip is certainly unforgettable. Ben traveled from Adelaide (funny enough I was with his gf just 2 weeks ago!) and Peggy from Singapore. There was NEVER a day that went without laughter and beautiful moments.

The next few days, I will be posting highlights of the trip complete with lots of FOOD reviews! OH YEAH. I am a firm believer of Good food + good company = great time. So do join me on this journey. =)

First up!

Christmas day! After such a BIG dinner on Christmas eve, I had to deal with the leftovers... haha. Speaking of which-what did everyone do with their leftover turkey and ham?

Christmas Turkey and Ham Spicy Fried Noodles (Serves 4)

3 sticks of rice vermicelli
left over turkey and ham
3 cups of mixed frozen veges (because that's all I have...)
1 tablespoon of sambal chili
2 beaten eggs

Sauce mix
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
1 tablespoon of soya
lemon juice
1 tsp of sugar
2 tsp of sesame oil
3 tablespoon of chinese wine

Scald noodles with hot water. Set aside.
Preheat wok (NEW from SG! grandma requested peggy to bring it over..Thanks Peg!) with oil. Add onions or garlic if preferred (But i have none...). Re heat leftovers till hot. Stirfry noodles. Meanwhile, combine sauce in a jar. Add frozen veges to wok and sauce mix. Don't forget the sambal chili. Add beaten egg. Season to taste (but the sauce mix should provide enough taste).

Garnish with fried shallots.

Peg and Ben seems to like it...or at least they gave me enough "face" to finish up EVERYTHING with them taking second helpings. Thanks guys for the encouragement!

Did I mention that it was a 44C day? ARGH!

We went for a walk in the morning along Kings Park and The Old Swan Brewery... I shall let the pictures speak for itself:

Oh! Did i forget Christmas Dinner? I didn't take all photos of all the food that was there as I was too busy mingling and eating! hehehe.

And my contribution...
(sorry! i took this in the car!! so colour is abit off...) That was potato puffs btw...
Vietnamese rolls. ARGH! it looked better in real life than tin the picture... honest!

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!


  1. I totally agree with you, girl. Good food + great friends is the perfect combo!! It's nice that you managed to spend time with your good friends. :-)

  2. Hey, happy new year!

    haha... I laughed when u mentioned about leftover from Christmas meal. I have to go through the same ordeal as well. I had a gathering at my place during x'mas holidays and I ended up having to spend another 3 days to finish the leftover... :-P

  3. What a feast! I saw Char Bee of my favs!
    Happy New Year to you :)

  4. Nice vacation! I celebrate my Xmas in my hubby's hometown. Check it out on my blog (

    As for New Year, didnt go any place fancy, as we still recovering from the tiring trip back! Hahaha!

    Happy New Year to you.

  5. Hi Daphne,

    Happy new year to you! I only have time to read blog after more than one month :(

  6. Of lovely spread of food.....lovely!

  7. The food spread look so darn good! Love your contribution to the party too, yummy! So looking forward to read your following posts about the trip and food!

    SO agreed with your,
    Good Food + Good Company = Great Time course just look at all your smiling faces! Priceless!

  8. lyrical lemongrass- I missed them terribly so every second was precious!

    piggy- ya!! We even had vindaloo curry using the leftovers the next day!

    tigerfish- hehe. fast and simple to make mah!

    rose's world- happy new year to u too!!! Holidays can be tiring!

    Babe_KL- u busy busy girl! =)

    Joe- i know! it's HUGE!

    Big boys oven- hehe.we had fun.

    littler corner- there were more! haha everyone had a great time.

  9. Looks like you had a great time but 44C!!! wow!

  10. Wow! The first dish looks like what I just had for dinner hahaha - fried hokkien mee. :) Looks like you had a wonderful time.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!