Friday, February 22, 2008

English Onion Soup- Jamie Oliver

Ok, so I was intrigued. What's the difference between French onion soup and English onion soup? Goggling did not reveal any information. My best guess is that Jamie is British, and since he came up with the recipe it's only right that it's called "English Onion Soup".

The first time I tasted French/English onion soup, I was surprised by how a stinking root vegetable that makes us CRY could taste so good. I'm not a fan of onions eaten raw although I do like it them in stirfrys and hotdogs (bring on the grilled onions!) occasionally. The onion soup, however, is a whole new different ball game together.

The thing about this English Onion soup is that it does require patience-a quality that I seem to lack in my cooking these days. However, it was AR's birthday and being the "ideal fiancée " (rolled eyes) that I am, I decided to put in the effort and kick myself off the computer to cook something special for him. (his birthday was about a month ago so you know how backdated this post is!). He requested this soup some months ago but I never got around cooking it. My argument is that-the longer he waits for the soup the more special it is right? LOL. Ok, so I wasn't totally hardworking either. Besides the onion soup, he had a steak sandwich as well-which was easy and quick.

BUT coming back to the English Onion Soup, I absolutely adore this recipe. The best one that I have ever tried. As usual, I did not manage to follow Jamie Oliver's full recipe as the stupid leeks were not available again! ARGH! I have no luck with leeks I think ....

I have also omitted the fried sage leaf as stated in his original recipe but I'm sure it will add a nice fragrance to it if it was added. I have used red onions rather than brown which gave the soup a natural sweetness. I used brown onions previously and although they were good they were not as sweet as these ones.

Still, I love the way the bread was soaked in this goodness and topped with full strength (reduced fat- I just have to add that! :P) cheese, it was rich, good and definitely worth it.

English Onion Soup with Chedder- adapted from Jamie At Home (Serves 2)
Knob of butter
olive oil
4 red onions-chopped till you cry (you can also use a variety of onions)
2 tablespoons of garlic
500ml-600ml of beef stock
2 pieces of old Vienna bread
100 grams of cheddar cheese
Worcestershire sauce
sea salt and freshly grind black pepper

Put the butter, olive oil and garlic in a deep pot. Stir and add all the red onions. Season with salt and pepper. Place a lid on the pot. Cook in a low fire for about 40-45 minutes till soft. Check every 10 minutes or so and stir. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RUSH THIS STEP! Slowness is the key for the onions to release it's goodness.

Add stock and bring it to a boil. Turn the heat down and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Skim the fat if you are feeling hardworking (which I confess, I did do that...). Meawhile, preheat the grill and toast bread.

Check seasoning of the soup. Then ladle into oven proof bowls. Tear toasted bread and gently dunk it in (so that the top is still expose). Sprinkle cheese over it. Add a few drops of Worcestershire sauce over the cheese Put the bowls in the oven and grill till the cheese melt. Serve with a good steak sandwich! =)


  1. I can't forget that dish & my birthday until now, and don't think i can for a long long time. The soup tastes sweet. Yes, onion sweetness! Very filling and hearty feeling is that I get after the meal.

  2. Okay, the French onion soup would never use cheddar cheese. Only gruyere or Comte. It's the cheddar cheese that makes it english. And Jamie Oliver too i agree! :-)

  3. Here, usually the onion soup is the orange colour...

  4. I wondered about the differences too when I saw the title. I agree with Zen Chef, I think it's the differences in cheeses. And the addition of leeks, even though you didn't use it in your recipe.

    Looks great though! Reminds me that I haven't made this in a long time.

  5. lotsa onions! and cheese ;)must be tasty :)

  6. Geez...I only know the French Onion Soup. Now I know there is English too! Ha!

  7. Hey Daphne, I like the dishes you whipped up! Have both asian and western yummies...must pop in often to learn more! :)

  8. The ones at the restaurants here are way too salty. So, it's good that you made your own.

  9. yaaaaa soup looks good!! i made french onion soup few weeks back (using donna hay's modern classics 1 recipe) but unfortunately i don't really like the cloudy texture due to the addition of flour. yuck. looks like i must try your recipe one of these days! then again, one question, cheddar cheese wont have that stretchy texture rite? i'd prefer mine with mozzarella anytime :p

  10. Woah! I love onion soup and this one looks really loaded!

  11. AR-=)

    zen chef-nice! thanks for the clarification. Now I know!!! =)

    celine- orange? i wonder why?

    wandering chopsticks- great note. leeks are not in french onion soup.

    christine - hehe..thanks

    tigerfish- ya! me too! after flipping through the book and seeing what zen chef says!

    aimei- i enjoy reading yours too.

    little corner- true! we have tasted really salty ones as well.

    evan- yes! i had the exact same problems with donna hay's version too. have a go and tell me what u think.

    wmw- oh yeah! the more onions the better i say. LOL


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!