Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ham and Mushroom Quiche with Feta and Avocado Salad

I like having a packet of puff pastry in the freezer. The crispness of the pastry makes everything tastes better. Here is the tricky situation, the quiche dish required 1.5 piece of puff pastry but I have 2 pieces left.

So I have 2 options

Option 1: Just keep patching the pastry on the dish.

Option 2: Use it to make something else.

I chose option 1 since I was in a lazy mode and proceeded to pile puff pastry at the edge of the dish.

The end product was a very thick crust around the edges of the quiche. It tasted good but the thick edge took some of the crispness away.

On hindsight, I should have just rolled some cheese in between the left over pastry and make cheese puffs!

In order to complement the quiche, I decided to make a summery salad. Feta and avocado salad was the choice. The fruitiness of this salad goes well with the crisp eggy quiche. It is amazing how a drizzle of the dressing transform the bowl of vegetables to a summery salad.

Ham and Mushroom Quiche (serves 4-6)
1.5 puff pastry
5 eggs
6 slices of chicken ham
1 cup of chopped mushrooms
1 cup of cheddar cheese
couple of knobs of cream cheese (about 3 tablespoons)
1/4 cup of milk (use cream if you want a really rich version of the quiche)

Preheat oven to 200C. Line quiche dish with puff pastry. Blind bake for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, beat eggs, milk and seasoning together.

Place sliced ham onto slightly cooled puff pastry case. Sprinkle chopped mushrooms around it. Pour eggs mixture over the ham and mushrooms. Roughly place knobs of cream cheese around the mixture. Bake for about 20-25 minutes till golden brown.

Feta and Avocado Salad
80 grams of feta cheese
150 grams of mixed salad leaves (this has baby spinach, cos lettuce, rocket..etc)
1 avocado
1 nectarine sliced

Assemble salad. Using a spoon, scoop avocado flesh out. Sprinkle feta cheese and nectarine over leaves. Serve with dressing,

4 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoon of mirin
1 tsp of sesame oil
2 tsp of roasted sesame seeds

Mix dressing in a jug. Drizzle over salad just before serving.


  1. This is my favourite kinda salad. The quiche looks quick and simple enough to try (especially for someone like me who works late hours so often!). Thanks. :-)

  2. My American friend loves to make quiche. To be it's like eating baked eggs with ingredient in a crust. LOL!

  3. It's so good to have an oven right? NOw I really miss my oven. I'm sure puff pastry misses the oven too!

  4. The salad i sjust oh so mouth watering! yumsss :D

  5. lemongrass-not a problem! I love this salad! it tastes so fresh and fruity.


    little corner- that's so true!!!

    tigerfish- i can't do without my oven i think!

    Frankensteina- hehee, have some! it's good for the baby right?

    east meets west kitchen- hey! welcome back! thanks!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!