Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sticky Cinnamon Pecan Scrolls

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Hope your day will be filled with surprises and sweet gestures. :)

To kick start this day, I thought something sweet will be appropriate.Years and years ago, there was a bakery in Singapore that specializes in baked scrolls. I can't even remember the name of it. What I did remember was the lovely sweet scent spilling out of the tiny shop in a shopping center near my parents' apartment. Alas, the bakery closed its door not long after, perhaps reflecting how fickle-minded Asians' tastebuds were at that time.

When I was learning how to bake, I thought to myself that scrolls were way too hard. 'Too many steps, too much work, too many ingredients, too fattening, no one to share with me, too sweet' were just some of my excuses. Yes, I can be a whiner at times.

Imagine my surprise when I noticed this fabulous recipe that Jaden shared with her readers. Sticky Pecan Cinnamon Scroll is a winner. It was easy and a definite crowd pleaser. Do you remember my Hazelnut Nutella Challah? The cinnamon scroll was based on the master dough recipe.

I love the nutty sweet scent coming out of the oven. I squealed in delight when I removed it from the oven and it turned out to be a sweet gem. In total, the master dough yielded 1 hazelnut nutella challah and 2 batches of Sticky Pecan Cinnamon Scroll. I brought the 2nd batch to a friend's place and I received positive feedback throughout the evening. It was certainly a big boost to my self-esteem. LOL.

I'm not going to be posting the recipe since Jaden did lovely step by step instructions. However, I did make a few changes and that includes increasing the amount of pecan nuts and reducing the sugar a wee bit.

I can't help being trigger happy. Look at how photogenic these buns are!

And before I go, it's fitting to thank Little Corner for giving me this Forever Friends Award. Valentine's Day is a day to spread the word that you care for someone

So here you go friends,
I'm passing on this award to
Eat first Think Later
Wandering Chopsticks
Big Boys Oven

Have a sweet Valentine's Day everyone!


  1. we wish you a great valentine's day!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day. Hope to make this bread soon.

  3. Happy valentine's day!
    "Too many steps, too much work...." only happens to me :)
    You did a great job!

  4. Looks yummy...! Happy Valentine's!

  5. Thanks for the award.

  6. Interesting combinations. Looks delicious.
    happy Valentine's Day!

    Alex's World! -

  7. I'm loving how these scrolls look, Daphne! Will contact you soon about that cup of coffee!
    Hope you had a great Valentine's Day! xo

  8. happy belated v day daphne!hope u had a wonderful day yest!i've tried this recipe before too.everyone loved it too :D

  9. Scroll is one of the baked items that i dare not try as yet. yours look so gooood!! yum!

  10. Is there such thing as a belated valentines day? ..heheh if there is.. happy belated valentines day! And thanks for the award!

  11. Happy Valentines Day! Thanks for the award too :-D

  12. Hope you had a great valentines day! :-)
    Now, i want some of those for breakfast tomorrow. I better stop blogging and start baking soon! :-)

  13. Hapy Val Day! (: Sorry for the late wish haha. Hope you enjoyed your day!

  14. happy belated valentine's day! those rolls looked gorgeus, i wanna try it one day


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!