Saturday, March 01, 2008

Dark Chocolate Mousse

Smooth velvety chocolate.

My valentine's day present to AR. Nothing fancy but just a martini glass of chocolate mousse to celebrate this event. Thirty minutes before the clock strike 12 midnight, we managed to sit down and enjoy a glass of chocolate mousse together.


Chocolate Mousse (2 serves) adapted from Donna Hay

100 grams of dark chocolate chopped
30 grams of butter chopped
2 eggs seperated
1/2 cup of cream
1 tablespoon of icing sugar
chocolate shavings and dark cocoa powder

Melt chocolate and butter over saucepan on a low heat. Pour mixture in a bowl and add egg yolks, one at a time, beating till well combined.

Meanwhile, whip cream till soft peaks form.

Whip egg whites till soft peaks form. Sift icing sugar and whisk till thick and glossy.

Here comes the tricky bit- fold cream through chocolate mixture and then fold egg whites through. Spoon in glass/bowls and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. Serve with chocolate shavings and cocoa powder.

note: Use LESS cocoa powder to dust the mousse! oh! And I'm going to try Carol's recipe next time. Her's look sooo silky!


  1. I love that. Tempted to make too after I watched an episode of 'sugar by anna olson' on tv. But raw eggs I'm not keen.

  2. So sweet of you to made this and share it with your Valentine on V-Day! A sweet dessert to start the V-day, I like!

  3. Mmm that looks good. I LOVE chocolate.

  4. That is so romantic, to personally prepare and serve the dessert for your love one. The best valentine's gift.

  5. Made this recipe a few times. I always add Baileys to flavour the mousse...*hick*

  6. awww.. the choc of love! enjoying your delicious preparation together was just so sweet :)

  7. When I saw the title of this post and the first pic, it made me wanna put on some music for some slow dancing ;o)

  8. Oh are so sweet and AR is lucky. Been sometime since I made a mousse or tiramisu. Well, the only two "cake-like" desserts I can make!

  9. As long as it's from you, it will melt AR's heart...hehehehe

  10. I was so tempted to lick my screen. . . . looks rich and delicious!

  11. yummy! i love choco mousse. gonna try this during my holiday!!!
    may i know what what is the cream are u using? is it whipping cream?

  12. How romantic. I hope it got interesting later. Chocolate is an aphrodisiac u know :P

  13. singairishgirl- try Carol's recipe, i think she used cream only!

    little corner-it's more like on the day itself. LOL. So busy that we didn't manage to see each other till then. But hey, it doesn't matter!

    jessy- me too! a huge fan of it!

    inspiredmumof2-erm? romantic? more like simple... hahah.

    pawpaw-i like that idea!

    christine-thanks babe! it was lovely to share a dessert with your loved one.

    wmw-anyone offering dancing lessons? LOL

    tigerfish-and they are one of the hardest as well! So u r doing so well. Mine, I just stick to the easy recipes.

    celine-thank goodness he is a chocolate fan! Makes things easier! haha

    big boys oven-it is rich! But that also mean a little goes a long way.

    ai wei- u hv to! yes, it's full cream. So the sort that is suitable for whipping. Make sure the chocolate is cool before u fold it in.

    kate-haha.. what r u thinking girl! *tsk tsk tsk*

  14. oh boyyyyy, i love chocolatey sweets...choco choco choco...i want them all


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!