Thursday, March 13, 2008

Min Jiang Kueh (Chinese Peanut Pancake)

One of my favorite snacks in SG. There is a different version of this in Malaysia. Malaysia's version is crispier with shreds of coconut, peanuts and cream corn. This one is slightly thicker. Nevertheless, I can't get enough of this!

When I told grandma that I attempted this, she said it will make a good breakfast for AR! Since AR usually wakes up at 6am (if not earlier), I told grandma that there is NO way that I'm going to get up at 5:15am just to make breakfast!!! Anyhow, grandma clarified to say I could make it the day before and AR can toast it for his breakfast which sort of make sense...

edit: That above paragraph sounds illogical. Now you know the way I speak and blog when I'm in a daze. What I meant to say was this would make a good breakfast item as well. Oh, did I mention that my neighbours' children finished this up in record time? They make really good candidates for trying out my bakes/food experiments. *evil grin* Having said that, I did check if they have a peanut allergy and they do not (phew).

Here it goes =)

Chinese Peanut Pancake (makes 6)

150 g plain flour
1 tsp instant dry yeast
25grams of caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
220 ml lukewarm water
2 eggs lightly beaten
50ml canola oil
1/2 tsp baking soda dissolved in 1/2 tsp water
more lukewarm water
150grams of peanuts
40grams of sesame seeds
50grams of caster sugar


1) Mix flour, yeast, sugar, salt and luke warm water. Stir to mix well. Cover with cling wrap and let the mixture proof for about 15 minutes or so.
2) Add eggs, oil and baking soda water
3) Let it stand for 10 minutes before cooking.
4) Mean while, prepare filling by mixing the ingrediants together.
4) Heat a small non stick pan. Pour a little oil. Using a soup ladle, scoop 1-2 ladle full batter into the pan.
5) Cook for about 3 minutes or so. Spoon filling onto half of the pancake. Fold over.
Serve it warm!

Check out Aimei's blog for her version. This recipe was adapted from her blog.
Also, Yummie Dummies for unique filling ideas!


  1. Wow, I love that but I can't take the usual fillings such as peanuts or coconuts. You must really be homesick to be making all these stuff. Hang in there. Another 2 mths to go. I know the anticipation and the time leading up to the trip is the worst one.

  2. I prefer the M'sia version, crispier and nicer!The sg version is a bit too thick and have lot of flour taste. =(
    But peanuts never go wrong,hehez...

  3. hi daph...i also love indonesian version, which we call "martabak manis" or "kue bandung" much thicker, greasier, drenched with margarine, overflowing with chocolate and peanuts for thinner ones (super thin), with banana, chocolate and sugar filling is called lekker (dutch for yummy)

    but i love all versions and i miss them all dearly, maybe on weekends i can try making this :)

  4. I prefer the crispy kind of Min Jiang Kueh ..ya I know it's not traditional but I find this kind of pancake too filling. After one piece, I cannot eat other stuff! :O

  5. Haha! I think you should wake up at 5 a.m. to make him breakfast. Yeah, right! ;)

  6. Wow, you did it and it look just like those sold outside. Well done! Pass me two slices please! :)

  7. Hmm...I have my moods for this! Sometimes I prefer the thin crispy ones and sometimes I prefer to bite into this thick version.

  8. daphne i swear i'm going to try this. I've has there on the streets before and just adore them Love the idea of toasting them.

  9. we get both versions in msia..didnt know 1 was from sg and 1 from msia..well equal rights i suppose..

    that was a damn good effort making such a hard item!

  10. Hi Daphne! I like your thinner version... and I actually much prefer the malaysian version too. Both their thick and thin version that I tried was good! Especially the peanut fillings. ;)

  11. one of these days I need to expand my food horizons :) Looks like I'll have to experiment with these soon. Thanks!

  12. so lazy to make these... tried making ones.. later i decided its easier just to buy them :p

  13. Ahh...yummy. I used to make this too, we call martabak manis. It can be filled with chocolate, mixed peanut and chocolate, cheese etc.

  14. This ia apam balik, isnt it? And the thin version .. chin loong pau? I had a go at making this once, but did not look as nice as yours. Tasted ok though.

  15. singairishgirl-u picked it up? *blushed* yeah.. very home sicked. Counting down till I finish this. Can't wait to meet up with u and princess too.

    jojo- i agree. I can't get enough of the malaysian version. AR's family and I will buy this in bulk!

    mochacholata-nice! the addition of chocolate made me sit up! hehe

    tigerfish-ya! true.. but I thinned this one a little. Still I know, it's filling!

    wandering chopsticks- when we first started dating, we stayed in a shared housing with quite a few others. Being busy ppl, I did wake up at 530am just to have breakfast with him before he goes to work. Because we will never see each other! Now? well, he reminds me to eat muesli. kekek.

    little corner-yeah! I did it! It was a good saturday afternoon snack.

    wmw- ya! me too!

    kate- i'm looking forward to seeing your versions!

    joe-LOL thanks for your encouragement. Somehow I prefer malaysia version...

    aimei-thanks for sharing your recipe! It was good fun playing around with it!

    m&ms-yeah! give it a go. it's a healthy snack.

    techkie-rub it in babe! it's soo common there. =(

    retno-cheese! good suggestion!

    hazza-No, not apam balik. Apam balik is the thin crisp version with the corn and coconut. This is min jian kueh, which is the thicker version. Not sure if it is chin long pau since I haven't come across that name. One tip is to be careful with the flipping, it can get abit tricky there. =)

  16. Daphne, you are one serious cook in the kitchen! You seek new, and nostalgic recipes from all corners of the world and u are not afraid of failures... WOW!! As much as I miss KL, I haven't got the guts to try half as many things that you have here, You are truly inspirational. BTW, this pancake is called "Jin Loong Pau" in KL (as far as I can remember) :)


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!