Ok, I admit. I was in a dessert mood recently. Coffee Agar Agar (or coffee jelly) is my grandmother specialty. I miss her terribly-especially during the last few days when there are so many unfortunate events happening in Singapore. Nothing beats being with your family members and loved ones around.
The father of my very close friend is in a critical condition. So critical that the doctors told us that there are no chances of survival. Not even 1%. It broke my heart when I heard that. My friend who is married to a German, flew all the way from Germany back to be by her papa's bedside.
It hit home. It brought back memories when my mum and grandma were in critical conditions separately previously. Fortunately and with the Lord's blessing, they are doing great now. Since then, I made them SWEAR to tell me EVERYTHING, especially if any of family members or close friends are hospitalized! Yup, they chose to hide from me for more than a month when they were ill separately.
When I close my eyes, I remembered how Haz's dad used to tease us. How he welcomed me to his home every week when I hung around in her room (She has this amazing display of boy band posters!). oh! and he rang me when haz sneaked out on a date with a boy. Every year, when I visit her parents on my annual trip back to SG, uncle would teasingly asked when I'm getting married or when I'm finishing my studies. Sometimes, he would even generously show us his extensive DVD collection. Uncle's sense of humor never fail to crack me up and even grandma would laugh (despite not really understanding what he was saying....).
I wouldn't say that I have a close relationship with Haz's dad. However, I would say that I admire this man. He is an amazing parent to Haz. His giving ways to his daughter and one of my closest friend is unconditional.
Maybe I'm in denial to type this in present tense. The family has decided not to pull the life support out but to let him go naturally. But this is a nightmare to those who are away from their family and close friends. I can't help but be in tears because I just cannot imagine what haz is going through right now.
I can't help but reflect how much I miss my family and friends.
So I present to you my grandmother's agar agar that I made sometime ago. The dessert that brings a little sanity to what I'm feeling now. The dessert that makes me feel slightly closer to home.
Coffee Agar Agar
2 packets of swallow brand agar agar
1 tablespoon of coffee powder
2-3 tablespoons of boling water
1 can of coconut milk or evaporated milk.
Follow the instructions on the agar agar packet. When it comes to boil, add sugar and powder. Keep stirring till the powder dissolve. Remove from heat. When it is cooled slightly, add coconut milk or evaporated milk. Stir. Pour into mould.
Next, boil another pot of water. Again, dissolve sugar and powder in the boiling water. Remove from heat and add coffee mixture (mix boiling water with coffee powder). Cool slightly. Pour on top of the coconut/evaporated milk mixture. Chill for 2-4 hours.
To everyone: I'm fine. A little shaken but doing ok. This post has done me good. I needed to write my feelings down. I'm sorry for such a depressing write up. I will be back with my normal posts. Haz, if you are reading- I love you. My thoughts and prayers are with you*hugs*
Hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. You will be back in Singapore soon! Cheer up , gal :)
I was thinking of making a coffee agar2 too when I saw someone making a coffee pudding. Certainly something for me to try in the future. I just made a green tea konnyaku jelly and loved it. Glad to read that you are feeling fine.
This post brought a tear to my eyes... my thought and prayers go out to your friend Haz and the family and to you and your family too. Have a blessed Easter.
That is so sad Daph, a big hug for you. It is very sad when someone close to you leaves. I can so imagine because it happened to me too. Keep up your prayers for her, that she may be strong.
Tigerfish-thanks babe. I'm feeling better. =)
little corner-oh! U hv to share with us about the coffee pudding. I love jellies!
Cynthia-Thank you. It has been a tough week for them. Hopefully things will go smoothly frm here on.
singairishgirl-*hugs* thanks deb. I will do so!
I amso late but I send warm thoughts and condolences
Thanks for stopping by my blog and helping me find yours.
The coffee jelly is rather intriguing. What a simple and nice recipe!
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