Monday, April 28, 2008

Beef Schnitzel with Grilled Vege Couscous

What a sweet weekend.

Today marks us being engaged for exactly 6 months. Next year this time, we will be married (legally not traditionally). It's a little scary really, considering how time passes so quickly but I'm enjoying every moment of it (even the frustration..).

I treated AR breakfast on Friday and it left us so full that we ate nothing till dinner time! In return, AR brought me to a fancy french restaurant in Sheraton on Saturday and I'm impressed. Photos and review up later but the service and food was just wonderful.

Back to Monday, I'm lifting my spirits up by blogging about this dish that I have discovered recently. It's nothing fancy and is probably a staple in the usual Australian or Italian home (except I' m not Australian nor Italian). The simplicity of this blows me away and I wonder why didn't I try this earlier?

Beef Schnitzel is nothing new and certainly nothing that shouts "amazing". But tough beef is a no-no so I tenderised it by using the salt method. If you prefer, chicken will work as well. Perhaps let your negativity out by pounding on a piece of chicken breast.

I served this with grilled vegetable couscous. Well, because I was lazy and wanted to combine carbohydrates with our vegetable intake. ;p

Beef Schnitzel with Grilled Vege Couscous (serves 2)
3 pieces of lean or "heart smart" beef steak
1 egg
1 cup of flour
1 cup of spicy packaged bread crumbs (or plain/herbs)

1 finger eggplant sliced thinly
1 red capsicum sliced thinly
1 cup of chopped mushrooms
handful of toasted pine nuts
1 cup of couscous
1 cup of boiling water
lemon juice
1 tablespoon of olive oil

1) Salt beef. Rinse and pat dry. Dust beef with flour and shake off excess. Dip in egg then breadcrumbs. Pan fry for 3-4 minutes each side. Repeat for each steak. Keep warm in oven.

2) Meanwhile, boil water. Soak couscous in water in a microwave safe bowl. Zap it for 30 seconds in the microwave. Keep the lid on for 5 minutes or so. Heat grill pan on high and lightly grilled vegetables for 5 minutes.

3) Fluff couscous up. Add grilled vegetables to couscous. Add pinenuts, seasoning, lemon juice and olive oil.

4) Serve with beef schnitzel.


  1. Hi Daphne, thanks for the salt tip. I never would have guessed it. Your schnitzel looks amazing; actually all your dinners are always so well thought out. Makes me feel a little guilty about the rubbish I feed mine :(

  2. Hee ok I signed up a wordpress id (just for u :D)

    Congrats on your upcoming marriage! Your dish is very cheem, got two words "Schnitzel", "Couscous" that I dunno (me so suaku) lol

  3. Congrats, first of all. Second, this looks great! It's the kind of thing James wishes I would cook, I think ... Maybe I'll have to give it a try.

  4. when are you getting traditionally married then, girl ? :)

    I never tried cooking couscous and beef all this is completely new to me.

  5. Is it 6months already??? Oh my god! Time flies!

  6. congratulation!!..Enjoy your been single every minutes now!!lol!.Me speaking from experience:0
    I never cook this dish b4 but the way you cook your beef is like Katsu..Maybe I should breaded your style beef for hubby:)

  7. i loveeee chicken snitzel, but sous chef would hate that...hihihi lemme try this beef version asap

  8. beef.....mmmmmm...the salt method of tenderizing is interesting, I cant tell if I knew it or not...

  9. dee-I have rubbish dinners too! Sometimes they are just instant noodles...

    wiffygal (noobcook)-aww THANKS babe! =)dont worry abt the terms. couscous is a sort of wheat and schitezel is crumbed meat. =)

    threeforks- cheers mate! It's really quick too.

    singairishgirl- ya! i cant believe it as well.

    beachlover- thank you! yes, i'm very much enjoying singlehood as best that I can! hehehe. This is like the italian version of Katsu!

    Mocha- come your sous chef will hate it?

    doggbloggy- try it! it works!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!