Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spiced Grilled Salmon with Bean Salad

I love bargains!

We bought 2 pieces for salmon fillet for less than AU$19/kg . The usual price is $32/kg. It was fresh and pink. I haven't had salmon for ages! What a bonus.

My mind began to twirl. Miso salmon? Butter garlic Salmon? Grilled? Baked? Steam? The possibilities were endless.

In the end, I decided to keep it simple.

Spiced Grilled Salmon with Bean Salad (serves 2)
2 pieces of salmon fillet
2-3 tsp of chili flakes
2 tsp of cumin
1 tablespoon of olive oil
2 tsp of minced garlic

Marinate salmon with spiced mix and olive oil. Season if needed. Heat grill pan to hot. Grill salmon both sides for approximately 3-5 minutes.

Bean Salad
1/2 cucumber chopped
1 can of butter beans
2 tsp of sesame oil
2 tsp of sesame seeds
1 tsp of lemon juice

Toss ingredients together. Serve with grilled salmon!


  1. Yummy salmon! :) Love it.

  2. I will never think to use bean as salad with salmon.Maybe I'm going to try it tomorrow wt my salmon too:)

  3. hey daph...this must be delicious! did you guys eat just this combo for dinner? that's just super healthy! i was just wondering...
    as my sous chef would roll on the floor kicking legs up in the air crying and complaining about hunger if i were to serve this for dinner...hmm except if i exponentially make the serving BIGGER, like HUGE-HUGE-HUGE-big

  4. hi am new here found to many intersting here ;)

    love ur blog desain too


  5. walio! this is do delicious, just love salmon,esp when being panfried!

  6. For me, much simpler- just salt and black pepper and finally squeeze of lemon on my grilled salmon!

    Some say that brighter-colored salmon has been artificially processed - is that true ?

  7. good choice...although I cant resist eating it raw

  8. Like your healthy salmon. I think we are the only family who don't like salmon or any red meat fishes. :P

  9. u shud hav gone for miso salmon..hahah...i had it the other day..was sooo goodo..

  10. daphhhh I am passing you an E! hehehe check it out in my lastest post ^_^

  11. This is such a healthy meal!

  12. simple yet yummy & delicious!!!

  13. ukp10/kg is abpout the normal price for us here but I seldom use salmon as it is relatively expensive compared to cod. I have tried your method of cooking, although with different marinades, but maybe will try salmon with a lighter marinade like yours as it has a more dinstinctive flavour than most other white fish.

  14. Delicious! I love salmon, it is so fresh and yummy!

  15. Singairishgirl- me too! ^5

    beachlover- it does go well together! Clean and simple I suppose. How did yours go???

    Mochacholarata Rita- Dessert follows the main meal so that's enough! hehe. I can't remembered if that was AR's or my portion but most likely it's his. Go for it! EXPAND IT!

    lia- hi lia! Welcome!!!

    bigboys- yeah! Keep it simple ya =)

    tigerfish- I like the black pepper and lemon juice suggestion! I used to do that as well. Does the colour depend on where it is farm? Maybe deep sea fish is pinker than those farmed one?

    doggybloggy- i leave that to the sashimi experts! hehe

    little corner- oh? u prefer white flesh fish?

    joe- I'm sure!

    little inbox- hehe. hv to be careful after all those cookies.

    new kid on the blog- =)

    hazza- I suppose after exchange rate, UK salmon is still cheaper! darn!

    jessy- oh yeah! Loads of omega 3!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!