Friday, May 02, 2008

Apple Cinnamon Walnuts Muffins

What other postgraduate students didn't tell you is that, u get to spend lots and lots of time on the computer doing formatting just before finalizing the draft. Boohoo. And that the Word software just HAVE to crash like 10 times in the day (not exaggerating) while you are doing that. I don't swear but if I do, I sure I will use up every swear word it can be used. (Although I confess to banging my head on the table due to frustration after the 9th time the document crashed).

For one weekend in my 3.5 years as a postgraduate, I don't have to think about THE thesis. The final draft is in the inbox of my supervisor. In pdf format. I'm praying hard that only minor changes are needed..because that will mean that my journey as an university student will finally come to a close.
"Every beginning is a consquence. Every beginning ends something." - Paul Valery

How true that quote is.

And every beginning is exciting as well.

This blog started as a venting outlet as a Honours student who was going through a bad break up. Fast forward nearly 4years later, everything changed. The blog became an outlet where I can express creativity in the kitchen. On top of that, I'm finishing uni, met heaps of lovely people, fell in love with a guy who actually still loves me after this thesis journey (but he made me promise that I won't do another one) and will also begin working in the area that I have always dreamt of being in.

But away from the life story and back to the topic of the day. It was our duty to bring supper for our bible study group... and I took the chance to make muffins! This must be the fastest muffins to whip up. I made this while cooking dinner. Took me less than 10 minutes to gather up ingredients and then into the oven it went.

I didn't use can apple but cut fresh ones instead. I like the crunch that fresh apple give in muffins. Feel free to use the canned version if it is more convenient or if you are running out of time... but fresh is still better. =)

I love warm fresh muffins. It makes me feel warm and cozy on a cold day.

Apple Cinnamon Walnut Muffins (Makes 12)

2 apples chopped in small pieces* (or 400grams of can pie apple)
2 1/2 cups of self-raising flour
2-3 tsp of ground cinnamon
1/4 cup of soft brown sugar
1 1/3 cup of mlik
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
150grams of melted butter
1.2 cup of walnuts chopped

*I used 1 gala and 1 fuji apple-couldn't decide so I used both!

Preheat oven to 180C. Line muffin tray. Shift flour and cinnamon in bowl. Add sugar. Make well in the middle.

Whisk milk, eggs n vanilla in a jug. Pour into the well and fold slowly. Add melted butter.

Continue folding till mixture is combined. Do not overmix, mixture should be lumpy. Spoon into prepare tins. Bake for 20 minutes. Serve warm!

These treats are making its way to Michelle's Greedy Gourmet:


  1. Hi Daphne,
    Just stopped by to tell you that I made your dumplings and they were lovely! Thanks for sharing the recipe :) Hope your thesis nightmare is over soon.

  2. I loveeee cinnamon + walnut...maybe the apple can be replaced by banana eh?


  3. Looks very yummy and lovely colour.

  4. I love fresh bake out of the oven food!

  5. Those muffins look delicious, and so moist!! I would kill to have one of those for breakfast!

  6. miffins! i heart this. it has been some time since my last baking. gonna start baking some little things in this holiday~
    thanks for da recipe e

  7. "This blog started as a venting outlet ... nearly 4years later, everything changed. The blog became an outlet where I can express creativity..."

    And that's one point that connects us bloggers all... What may begin simply as an excuse to rant and ramble, soon becomes a true avenue for creative expression --- this is why I continue to blog till today, and the blogging world is made all the better by people like you who continue to share and care... and blog, of course. ;)

    P.S. I'm a huge cinnamon freak. Hee.

  8. Those muffins look nice and moist and good. Fresh warm muffins are really good!

  9. yummy-looking muffins! Hope your thesis is completed/going to be completed! I know what you are going thru because the last time I did my thesis, it was a complete nightmare for me - I left it till the last minute and I slept at 6am every day!! =x

  10. what a nice and yummy muffin!!..I like your inspiration,very refreshing:)

  11. what a nice and yummy muffin!!..I like your inspiration,very refreshing:)

  12. What a way to a little story of yours...S-W-E-E-T! Forget the unhappiness in the past....everything is turning out so sweet for you now! Including your muffins :D

  13. dee- thank you! Hope those dumplings turned out well!

    mocha- can!!

    singairisgirl- thanks babe! hehe

    kay- me too!

    jessy- i love muffins for breakfast too.. just too lazy to make them.

    aiwei- no problems!

    kenny- i learned heaps frm other bloggers.

    kelvin- thank you!

    noobcook-'s horrible!

    beachlover- wow. that's very nice of u. =)

    tigerfish- haha. u always hv a way with words!

  14. Congrats on sending in your final draft. I can't wait to do the same ... Oh, and I *love* fresh apples in muffins.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!