Friday, May 30, 2008

Hakka Yong Tou Fu

I have been pestering my dad to bring us to a decent Hakka Yong Tou Fu (YTF) place for 2 years. This time round, we finally managed to fit that into our schedule and we were not disappointed. My father has been patronising this stall for years and swears by it.

Just beside it was a roast stall. How convenient!
My dad decided to order chicken 'rice' as part of our Hakka YTF meal. Great mixing and matching huh?

I wouldn't say the rice was fantastic but it wasn't oily at least...
The skin was crispy on the siew yoke. The meat was part fatty and skinny but it wasn't tough. The guys polished this off in minutes.

The star of the show. Hakka YTF. I'm amazed at how crispy the wantons were. And I really enjoyed the stuffed toufu. It was silky and smooth. Did I mentioned that the stuffing was pretty generous as well? My favourite is the eggplant. Funny how no one fought with me on that one. I think the texture and colour of the eggplant looks pretty in the YTF dish!

and just for the fun of it, we tried the "Whatever" drink....

That's my half-serious look. I was trying to figure out what flavour that was.

It was sweet peach tea.

My recommendation? Ditch the drink. Stick to the Ampang YTF instead.

Ngee Fou Restaurant (Hakka) Ampang Yong Tou Foo
928 Up Thomson Rd S787121


  1. Ditch the drink indeed! I had one of these sugary drinks during my drive back to hometown and it nearly made me sick...

    Sticking to Ampang YTF here... :D

  2. You had WTF (2nd line)? I was thinking...what's that? :P

    It's hard to find a good hakka YTF in Singapore. Thks for your recommendation. I will try it the next time I'm back.

  3. Daphne!! You are back in Singapore?!?! Goodness, we are now stepping on the same piece of land :D

    I like YTF too~ It's rather healthy and tasty! IF you are looking for a good chicken rice, you can try the stall at the Katong Shopping Center. The food court at the basement. The soup they served are like full of ingredients! There's once I had ginseng chicken soup!

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  5. Yay! You liked that stall too! I went there too, and your pictures were definitely better than mine! And I know you must be enjoying your time in Singapore now. :)

  6. Ampang YTF is in Singapore, too?
    I have my eye on the siew yoke actually - can't get enough of it :)

  7. I've only tried Ampang YTU once, in KL. The one u had look similar to the one I had then! Looks like you are enjoying your local food spree! ;)

  8. Roasted pork looks good!

  9. that chicken looks so good.........

  10. I like the half serious look :)

  11. you're in singapore?? awwwww...recommendations please...i might be there mid june hehehe...i used to live in singapore before and cant wait to eat eat eat eat!

    btw...i miss you guyssss finally i hv some time to do some blog surfin today hehe

  12. I thought the Siew Yoke was good! You can have all the eggplants :)
    Funny how difficult it is to find good food in Perth, while every corner you go in Singapore, you find great food!!

  13. So nice hor? After so long cannot find this type of food in Perth.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!