Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thesis Submission

My highs and lows of being a postgraduate student is often documented here. Tears, frustration, joy, ambivalence emotions that ran through me as I struggled to complete this challenging task. So this time round, I thought I could share with you my thesis submission experience.

I'm not very academic but an opportunity allowed me to pursue a dream that I had since I was a little girl (or was implanted in me when I was kid by my dad!). I would have never completed this without the support of so many people. Thank you. *muacks*

My hard work of 3.5 years.

I have to submit one copy loose in a box file.

My baby and me.
My slightly tidied version. More stacks of papers around that also. You can see the carpet there..there was no way I could even walk without stepping on any papers during the "peak period".University's Car park.
Up the slope! (with 4 thesis = 10kgs?!, I used a trolley).
The doors that I have been walking through for the past 7.5 years.
The chair that I sat in for the past 7.5 years each time I visit my supervisor. He was my lecturer then but turned into my supervisor. For the past 3.5 years, we discussed and argued. He corrected me and provided me with encouraging and criticizing words. We came up with new discoveries in his office. I cried in that chair when I realized I had to take an extension + all those dramas that happened (Although it was really a minor issue looking at the bigger scheme of things).

Yesterday though, his anxious personality showed through. I stayed in his office for 1 hr talking about publishing + trying to re assure him that I'm not going to leave yet. And YES, i do know that most thesis require minor/major changes from examiners so I still have to revisit this. And YES, I know he wants me to write up papers (but 6!??!!) and YES i know he wants to be the first author for some papers. Then I told him "Peter, u know I'm over this right?" which he then say "Yes" and finally allowed me to leave with the relevant documents!

I walked through those doors to submit.

My clean out desk at uni. Yes, I know I need a haircut and some sleep. Then my friend said that looked unrealistic and got me to model in front of another desk.
That's my friend's desk.
My celebratory coffee in my favourite cafe at uni - "Club Murdoch".


  1. I'm glad it's finally over :)

  2. pheeewww... dats a huge milestone!

  3. Congratulations, dear! Must have been a sigh of relief after 3.5 years of solid (and having seen that pic of your thesis, it's definitely brick solid, haha) hard work. :)


  4. phew...finally over..i would be relieved too!

  5. Enjoyed this post....
    Go pig out & rest well *wink*

  6. First a big hug. Congratulations my dear friend. You did it! I'm so glad for you that it is all over. Well done. Good job!!

  7. wow, that's a very thick stack of thesis. Go grab some sleep ASAP and have a good meal! :-P

  8. Congratulations! That thesis is huge!

  9. Congrats! What a sigh of relief huh?? Take a good rest...i heard you coming to KL soon?

  10. CONGRATTSSSSSSSS!!!! Now...let me feed you with more calories hehe, enjoy!

  11. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Start partying ...or you can start wedding preps! :D

  12. A HUGE congrats! I can't believe how thick your thesis is! Insane!

    I'm so proud of you. Now have a wonderful celebration. :)

  13. congratulations! What a huge acheivement! :)

  14. Hee~ Congrats! *clap* u did it! :) i remember the long hours i slog for my thesis too~ =X it's scary, but i'm glad it is done! :P all the best in everything u do girl!



Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!