Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Butter Beans

During winter, I always find it difficult to choose side dishes when I attempt to cook fusion or western dishes. I don't usually have a problem with Chinese dishes though as a stir fry is always simple to whip up.

This is one of my "I don't know what side dish to make, so I'm making this" dish. It's easy enough and go well with baked chicken or even a steak. I'm abit of a nut fan (ah, pun intended), so I like to be generous with them. I used pistachios and pine nuts but I'm sure pecans or walnuts will be nice as well.

Oh, if you have any suggestions for a side dish, do let me know.... =)

Butter Beans
250 grams of long beans
1/2 cup of pistachio nuts
1/4 cup of pine nuts
2-3 tablespoons of butter

1) Blanch long beans in salted boiling water. Drain.

2) Heat butter in a pan. Gently toast/fry nuts for 3-4 minutes. Spoon mixture on to beans. Season.


  1. here's an idea:
    saute veggie with garlic and butter, add cream.

    and sometimes, add cheese.

    and sometimes, add bacon pieces.

    never fail to please me hehehe

    try try try

  2. I love brinjals/eggplants/aubergines as side dishes but they soak up SO MUCH oil! :(

  3. i love this dish, simple but sounds great!! i have never tried adding nuts with my buttered veggies yet!! thanks for the idea!

  4. Such a simple side dish, I like anything simple. Oven roasted vegetable/potatoes is another easy to prepare side dishes.

  5. Mmm...green beans and nuts go so well together. I've only had them with sliced almonds and pine nuts, I'll have to try it with pistachios. A favorite side dish of mine with an Asian flair is Edamame Bulgur. The best part is that it only takes about 15 minutes of cooking time and there is hardly any prep! The flavors are very intense in this side dish, it could almost be a main course on its own.

  6. Yummy! Never thot of having nuts with buttered veggie. An easy recipe to keep. Thanks!

  7. I'm usually quite happy with steamed broccolini or asparagus, with a dash of pepper and salt

  8. Beans and nuts....so this is a dish full of "gas"..:P LOL!

  9. mocha- all the cream and cheese!! Me worried about waist line.. hahaha

    kenny-that's so true! I love bringal too.

    little corner- roasted veges! love those!!!

    nick-what a lovely idea. WIll hv a look.

    jade- no worries! thanks for dropping by. =)

    ruthie-brocoolin is too expensive dearie.. but yeah. i wanted something else a little more elaborate.. lemon juice is nice too. but good ideas.

    tigerfish- haha.. dont go anyway after eating that. :x

  10. I'm always looking for new ways with veg. Wicked or otherwise ;) This has been duly bookmarked!

  11. dee-and I found great ideas on your blog too! thanks!!!

  12. That's all? just two steps? I love this dish very much already! :D

  13. The Butter Beans looks delicious ^^


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!