Saturday, September 06, 2008

Apple Kiwi Crumble

Cold or warm dessert?

Back in SG, I'm always running towards the cold desserts. Cold Ching Teng, bubble tea and ice-cream are some of my favorites. The weather plays a part I suppose, and something sweet and cold helps in cooling down from the hot, humid weather.

In Perth, I'm frequently torned between both. I have grown to enjoy baked puddings, crumbles and warm molten chocolate cakes. AR on the other hand still prefer cold desserts than warm.

Apple, kiwi crumble is a way to reconcile the two together. He can have the ice-cream, I can have the crumble.

Apple Kiwi Crumble (Serves 2)
1 apple chopped
2 gold kiwi chopped
1 generous tablespoon of brown sugar
1 cinnamon stick
2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 cups of oats
1/2 cup of flour
1 tablespoon of butter
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
1 handful of crumbled walnuts

1) Preheat oven to 180C.

2) Place apple, kiwi fruit, cinnamon stick, sugar in a small saucepan. Heat it up gently. Stir frequently till the apple softens. Stir in vanilla essence. Pour mixture into ramekin.

3) As the apple/kiwi mixture cooks, place flour and butter into a bowl. Rub butter into flour till it resembles breadcrumbs. Fold walnuts and sugar through it. Sprinkle mixture on top of apple/kiwi mixture.

4) Bake for 25 minutes till the top turns golden brown. Serve with ice-cream.


  1. See another crumble here!!.What a nice combination!!.I never bake any crumble b4.I think it's about time for me to start baking again:))

  2. This will such a nice warm dessert for cold winter days. Delicious!

  3. O! I love crumble EVERYTHING.
    Seeing yours, I wanna go make apple crumble too.

  4. Ooooh Kiwis and apples sound like they would complement each other so well.

  5. hey, thanks for the great idea... kiwi and apple... it's gonna be good... :)

  6. Crumble! I love crumbles, but have yet to make one. Reading people's cooking adventures have made me realize I have a bunch of irrational cooking phobias! Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. This is so nice :D Weather here being so hot, I think I need extra scoops of ice cream to go with this delicious crumble :)~

  8. I always prefer cold dessert, BUT your crumble looks yummy !! I am drooling !!

  9. Great mix, Daphne. I love the kiwi and apple combo! Of course, crumbles anything rocks, don;t you think?

  10. think i would love it warm all the way :)

  11. beachlover-ooo. i would love to see what u can create!!!

    cecil-yes!it's warming up over here though.. =)

    pawpaw-yeah! me too!!!

    retno-"scoops a bowl"

    jude-surprisingly, they did!It was what I had left in the fridge. hehe

    marie-keep the cooking inspirations going!

    noobcook-hehee. i welcome the extra icecream too.

    jin hooi- thanks babe!!

    dee-I agree!

    kate- hehehe. best of both worlds. =)


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!