Are you all ready for Mid-Autumn festival?
My 2nd take of snowskin mooncakes. I decided to be slightly adventurous and mixed cocoa powder in one batch of dough. I wouldn't say that the chocolate was distinct but it was certainly differently. I probably didn't mix it as well or perhaps I should have dissolve the powder with some water to make a paste before adding to the dough. You can see still specks of white on it.
I brought some to a friend's place on Friday (last night)-two of our Australian friends were game enough to try the snowskin ones. I love the look on their faces. They were a little reserved but open to the experience. Both said it wasn't something that they will try normally but it was a different experience and taste! I had so much difficulty trying to explain what lotus seeds were!
So there you go folks! My attempts in making mooncakes. What an experience! I appreciate each bite alot more now. =)
Happy Mid-Autumb Festival!
Daphne, send me both colour of mooncakes :)please . I´m really curious how its taste.
oh, the cornflour is better ah? sorri, heehee
I didnt know cos always use kaofun.
actually didn't realize that cornflour can be eaten raw too until lately. see how suaku I'm.
thanks for the review btw. that's how we bloggers learn from each other, heehee.
Happy Mid Autumn to you. You are so hardworking. All the different spreads of mooncakes.
Wow. That was so ambitious of you to make mooncake at home! They look great! Happy mooncake day! :-)
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you too. Hope you were able to spend it with people you love.
Even though Annie's Mum is here from M'sia, we didn't celebrate MAF today because we were down in Carmel for Tomatofest (I'll blog on that soon!). Gonna have to celebrate next weekend...including doing Spiral Mooncakes (Annie doesn't like snowskin ones unfortunately)
well done daphne! looks like we have to wait another year for our next mooncake experiments :D
Wow! these mooncakes are truly beautiful!! Happy Mid Autumn Festival Daphne!
they look perfect!! hee happy mid autumn! :D
I'd love to try mooncakes but have never seen them for sale.
That green is such a vibrant colour!
Mixed cocoa....very creative!
Happy Mooncake Festival!
Clever you! I think they're pretty perfect and certainly better than anything I could turn out.
We took the kiddo and his 3 year old girlfriend out for a lantern walk, and ate store-bought mooncakes after. I don't remember mooncakes being as expensive as they are now!
Happy Mid-Autumn, Daphne.
great job!!! cheers to you... btw, added you in my favorite reads... finally... told you, i
choc mooncake look good!! I didn't try snowskin mooncake coz my previously bake mooncake is still around,nobody eat except me.Anyway,I have something for you at my kitchen,see yea:)
little corner- to u too!!
retno-hehe. I shld shouldnt i! pop me an email!!
peony-I dont know if it is the type of kao fun as well. Mine looks really fine..and somehow it gets stuck on the mooncakes.. =(
jo- not hardworking! just excited.haha
zen chef- thank you!
nate-n-annie- oo..those pastry types r soo good too.
babe_KL- another year for me too!
dhanggit-thank you!
noobcook- =)
caked crusader- it is isnt it? pandan essence.. unfortunately cant get the real stuff. =(
tigerfish-creative? ok lah. it was quite mild.. =)
dee-i doubt that!! 3 year old gf huh.. u got a charmer there! But yes! mooncakes r soo ex now. I was told it's because of the duck eggs!
Mikky-cheerios!! thanks heaps!!
beachlover- woohoo!!!!!! thanks dearie!
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