Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yogurt Cake

After depriving myself from cooking or baking for 1 week (having relied on what I prepared and froze earlier), I spent the whole of Sunday afternoon cooking and baking. With AR out of the house, I turned up the music volume and immersed myself in a few hours of cooking therapy. It was good excuse too as that means I have enough food and variety to last for 2 weeks.

There is something in the spring air I think, that got me interested in baking more cakes recently. Nothing too fancy, just a nice touch for tea. I didn't bake this on sunday but looking through my folder, I was surprised that I didn't blog this earlier.

The yogurt cake was a recipe I stumbled to a few years ago. People tend to think it is a butter cake but there is no butter in it. It's a quick measure and mix cake but with impressive results. I think I posted this a few years ago too but I can't seem to find my own link!

Yogurt Cake
1 cup of yogurt
1/2 cup of sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup of olive oil
3 cups of flour
1 tsp of vanilla essence

1) Line loaf pan. Pre heat oven 180C

Whisk wet ingredients together. Sift dry ones and fold them into wet ingredients. Spoon in loaf and bake for 30-40 mins. Serve with fruits.


  1. So simple?? Ok..i shall try this then. My cake always go wrong with those long complicated recipe.

  2. hmmm does it have a tangy aftertaste like yoghurt does?

  3. Iv never heard of yogurt cake before. Sounds interesting.

  4. I don't think I'll ever get interested in baking my own..but I will interested in eating from what others do...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I make something similar. Sometimes I use buttermilk.

    Your cake looks very soft and moist.

  7. I tried recipes from australian bloggers before but i think somehow the cup measurements are different? Or do you have this in grams?

  8. Oh wow, I wanna try that. It looks very good. I'm baking a cake myself, in the oven now, so took a break for some blog-hopping and continue with cookies waiting to go in. Hehe.

  9. precious pea-at least you tried the long complicated recipes! =)

    joe- actually it doesnt! it tastes like butter cake. =)

    salt n tumeric-yeah me too!! But I was really surprised by the result.

    tbc- ohh..buttermilk will be great too. great idea.

    family first- it doesnt matter in this recipe. What matters is the ratio. So if you have 1 cup of yogurt, make sure you have 3 cups of flour and 1 cup of olive oil.

    sig- I made this huge batch of cookies over the weekend too! haha. Such comfort food!

  10. 1 step only?!?! Baking always looks so effortless when others are doing it; when I am doing it, it usually gets messed up majorly, hehe

  11. Such a simple and easy recipe and the cake looks yummy too. Will definitely try this out. Thanks for sharing! :)

  12. nice nice this is a lovely cake, well done!

  13. wow! yummy & moist cake. i luv anything made with yogurt & this cake is surely a winner.

  14. I have heard about yogurt cake! But never made an attempt to find recipe for it, this sounds doable (I am not much of baker) and it's perfect recipe to test out with my mom in law! She likes anything yogurt.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!