Sunday, November 23, 2008

Presto Pasta Nights #91

I have been looking forward to hosting Presto Pasta Nights#91!!! Presto Pasta Nights is one of my favorite events to participate in and I'm really glad I get to host this time round! The versatility of pasta and noodles cannot be denied by the number of entries I have seen from bloggers around the world. Thanks to Ruth from Once Upon a Feast who organized this event.

There are no rules, except it has to be a pasta or noodle dish. Be creative and chomp up with something new!

Email me your entry at daphnesu16(at)yahoo(dot)com

1) Name
2) Blog
3) URL of dish

Please also link your entry to More Than Words and Once Upon a Feast.

So come join in the fun and send me YOUR presto pasta dish by Nov 27th Thursday Night. One more thing, I'm operating on the GMT +09:00 Perth Time-so chances are, I will round it up slightly later than what you may expect to cater for time differences.

So let's stop talking and start cooking PASTA!/Noodles!!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!