Thursday, December 18, 2008

7 Days to Christmas- Seafood Mee Sua

One week to Christmas-what kind of Christmas will you be having?

Well, last Christmas I had my two fantastic friends over to celebrate the occasion with us. On top of that, they also attended our engagement party. These friends knew that I wasn't able to head back to my family as I was desperately trying to finish writing up my thesis then.

Nearly one year has passed, and....... I finally received the reports from the University that I passed!!!! =)

Oh what a bittersweet feeling. All these while, I have not relaxed with the uncertainty of not knowing what exactly will happen when the reports come back. But with God's blessing- the examiners gave me excellent feedback, much better than I ever expected.

It has been a huge 2008- While it felt like a short year, certainly when I looked back, lots of things and events have happened. In a way, I felt that this year has been productive.

So in true celebration fashion, I present to you a Mee Sua dish! Ok, so Mee Sua is often a dish cooked on Birthdays or Chinese New Year... but this is a type of celebration right? =)

Seafood Mee Sua (serves 4-5)
1/2 packet of Mee Sua
2-3 cups of stock
seafood mixture of your choice (I used 100 grams squid, 50 grams baby scallops and prawns)
Spinach leaves-2-3 cups
1 chilli chopped
a tablespoon of minced garlic

1/2 cup of Hua Tiao Jiu
1 tablespoon of soya
1 tsp of maggi seasoning

1) Quickly blanched Mee Sua and set aside.

2) In a wok, heat up a tablespoon of oil till very hot. Quickly fry garlic till golden brown and add seafood. When it is cooked, add the stock and simmer. Add all vegetables. Add seasoning and simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

3) Last 5 minutes of cooking, add Mee Sua in for it to absorb the flavours! Serve with another dash of pepper.

I hope I'm not too late for Pasta Presto hosted by Foodie Tots and founded by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast! Come join in the fun!


  1. Congratulations! And now that that's can really enjoy the holidays.

    Thanks for sharing a great party dish with Presto Pasta Nights and have a joyous Christmas and a healthy, happy 2009 - lots more Presto Pasta dishes I hope.

  2. looking at your mee suah make me wanna to make a bowl for myself now!! love seafood

  3. Mee Sua for Xmas? An inspired choice! Nothing quite like this comfort meal to make one feel warm and comfy... :)

  4. Mee Sua for Xmas? An inspired choice! Nothing quite like this comfort meal to make one feel warm and comfy... :)

  5. haha. Thanks ruth!! Always happy to be part of PPN!

    Beachlover!! Glad to see u here again! I love seafood too!

    Kenny- it is celebration LOL

  6. Mmmm I love mee sua. Used to eat it only when I was sick, but now, I can eat it anytime!

  7. Congrats Daphne!. Could I come to celebrate with you? he..he ^_^ Hmmm...yummy mee sua, I call it Misoa...different spelling :))

  8. Congratulations, Daphne --- a truly major achievement quite deserving of mee sua.

  9. Congratulations! The mee sua will be perfect on a cold winter night like tonight! I have never eaten mee sua before I married to a man who eats mee sua on his birthday. :p


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!