Sunday, February 22, 2009

Char Siew Bao

Since getting a bread maker, my mind wanders to all the possibilities one can do with it. One of life little luxuries is to wake up to the scent of fresh bread...but given it makes dough, I begin to explore the option of making other dough food items with it as well.

My first attempt outside of break making is BAO- or a chinese dough wrapped around some filling. With my grandmother here a couple of weeks ago, we began a grand-daughter and grandma project- Char Siew Bao making!

She of course, decided to go with cooking the filling. First we bought some char siew, and she choppped it up into small pieces, frying it with some oyster sauce and sugar.

On my part, I followed instructions from my Christmas present... a book titled "Food around the world".

And of course, in true blue Daphne fashion, things went wrong.

1) I added too much yeast. And our bao dough BALLONED into a HUGE mess! U should see the bread machine!

2) I did not add enough salt.. Yup! The dough was a little tasteless.

Nevertheless, my grandmother was braved enough to take a few bites..and then say...

"Not bad! The filling is good!"



  1. Never mind, try again. Am sure second time will be better. That reminds me I still have not tried out the recipe i got from the dim sum class i attended. I always thought of making it but never have the chance.

  2. the bun look soft and moist leh.still good!..I don't have the coruage to make my own dought ,just bought the premix dough!

  3. sorry typo wrong...watching grammy while typing!lol! I don't have the courage to make my own dough yet!

  4. Hahaha, that was funny with what your grandma said. I am craving for some char siew bao lah!

  5. wow.... making paos are definitely not easy ;P
    Good job :)

  6. A brave try! And the bao does looks good to me, esp the fillings! :P

  7. wow looks really good though!
    love your blog!
    Hope to hear from you,
    Monika ♥

  8. I need help with the dough making...
    The other day I made pork vege bao and it came out soso...I guess I should learn how to make it from scratch.

  9. precious pea- that's right! hehe. I will try again! LOL

    beach lover-the texture was ok..but a little tasteless! haha.. maybe i shld consider using pre mix too.

    joe- u can say that again!

    little corner- me too!

    aimei- ya! my grandma did an awesome job.

    monika- thanks for dropping by!

    kay- i think i need more help than u do..

    jackson- hahaa.. come and help!

  10. Wow, how about teach us how to make the char siew? ;)

  11. Mmm one of my favorite snacks. Nothing better than grandma's approval!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!