Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chicken Patty Penne

On the same topic of mince, I am a big fan of this chain chicken store called Leonards. Most days, their chicken products are priced reasonably and certainly easy to prepare. I bought 3 chicken meat patties for AU$1.50 each. They are pre-marinated + added chopped carrots. Not the cheapest but on some days, u just want half ready made meals that u can cook without thinking. No way am I going to shape patties every week!

So after grilling those chicken patties and using paper towels to soak up some of the oil, I cut them in pieces. Toss them with some pasta and cooked vegetables-there u hv it, a meal prepared!

Chicken Patty Penne
2 cups of pasta cooked and drained
3 pieces of chicken patties
1 capsicum sliced
2-3 cups of spinach leaves
1 cup of baby peas

Grill chicken patties, drained and cut in pieces. Saute veges with olice oil. Toss pasta, veges and patties together. Season with some cracked pepper. Serve and smile.

Dishing this up for my friends at Pasta Presto Nights founded by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast This week, it is hosted by the awesome Served with Love (What a great name for a blog!!!)

Wedding thoughts:

As the clock ticks and the day comes nearer, it makes me wonder what is your dream wedding? For me, it really wasnt abt the pretty dresses or the fancy dinning options. It's about two people planning their lives together. My mum used to tell me that planning for a wedding itself can be a test-and after 1 year and 5 months I can tell u that it is a REAL test of endurance and patience.

But that aside, I'm blessed with a man who is persistent and patient. Seriously patient. Too patient. So he keeps me grounded while we run around like mad chooks trying to make sure we covered most grounds.

30 days to the wedding.


  1. Love this kind of easy meals :) perfect for weekdays.

    Your pre-wedding picture looks gorgeous! Don't get all stressed up with the wedding. Just enjoy :)

  2. u sure have lots of great ideas for easy pasta meals. Thanks.

    don't forget to take time to rest (n dream) while preparing your BIG day.

  3. No need to get so stressed out when we have (half-)readymade dishes at our disposal. The energy is better spent on the wedding plans and wedding dress, no? :)

    30 days and counting? So happy for you, dear. *hugs*

  4. You do look perfectly happy! Just relax and enjoy it all.

    Best wishes for a long, long and happy, happy life together.

    And thanks for sharing the great chicken patty penne...I even love the sound of it! Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  5. You look great in your pre wedding pics !!! Don't get all stressed up .. take your time and enjoy the wedding preparation ;-) yell out if u need any help... some homemake cookies to destress urself perhaps ?? ;-))

  6. hold him tight please !! lol!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!