Monday, June 15, 2009

Pesto Marinara Pasta

To kick start the week, I'm presenting this dish Pesto Marinara Pasta for Presto Pasta founded by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast.

I would love to tell you that I blended the pesto myself. Fresh pesto would have made such a difference to this dish! But truth be told, our basil plant did not survive my "green fingers" hence it has to come from a jar.

I was searching for an idea to cook Marinara with-especially with my find in my previous post. Now, it isn't often but the husband then fiance was actually the one who put his book down, turned to me late one night and said..... what about pesto?


Pesto Marinara Pasta
250 grams of Spaghetti
200 grams of seafood marinara mix
crack pepper

Cook pasta, drain and set aside. Gently heat pesto in a deep pan till the lovely smell emerged. Add garlic and fry seafood. When seafood is nearly done. Pop the pasta back in the pan and give it a good toss. Serve with crack pepper and fresh salad.

Get cooking and send me your entry for Presto Pasta! =)


  1. why huh...., always your pasta look so good and sexy? lol! you must be the pasta queen that I am going to have a kitchen date in the comings! lol!

  2. What a quick dinner! I will definitely send you my entry before Friday, got to cook it first, especially for you. Always have to support my fellow blogger friends right? :) Now...what other noodle dish to cook....

  3. This is the kind of pasta recipe a working woman needs - come home from work, pull it together in a heartbeat, pour the wine, eat.

    Sounds good to me!

  4. i wonder if i could ever plant enough basil to pull off pesto from scratch. ehm, i don't think so, i should go get a jar also hehehe

  5. This looks refreshing! I'm growing some basil in a pot too but they are just seedings now :P

  6. Fresh pesto is good - but any pesto is wonderful.... and fast is always welcome.
    Great dish.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!