Monday, June 08, 2009

Vegetarian Lentil Pie

On some weekends, the vegetarian bug bites. You know, the days when you feel like some good hearty vegetarian meal. But it shouldn't be boring either.

It's only been a few years since I embraced vegetables with both arms. Most days, I still like my meat! Occasionally though I don't mind a good toasted sandwich with roasted butternut pumpkin and goats cheese and of course on other days.. i dont mind a lentil pie either.

I spotted this recipe on ABC Delicious mag a few months back. It's really simple and require little effort.
Vegetarian Lentil Pie (serves 2)
1 can of lentils (or 80 grams lentils soaked overnight)
50grams of chargrilled marinated red pepper sliced
spinach leaves (1 cup)
20-30grams of feta cheese
cracked pepper and salt.
1 sheet of puff pastry
egg wash

Preheat oven 200C.
In a salad bowl, mix lentils, marinated red pepper, spinach leaves, seasoning and feta cheese. Spoon mixture on to the middle of the puff pastry. Seal on each ends. Brush with egg wash. Baked for around 20 minutes till golden brown.


  1. Looks like a healthy dish. But my hubby is not a lentil person.

  2. No way, I can't believe you are a meatlover... look at the size of you! Haha. And you could have fooled me with all the variety of salads that you do lol.

  3. It's good to eat more veggies, I'm trying too. The pie look so healthy...

  4. Veggies are good; great combo you've got here eh....lentils are yummy=)

  5. These sound nice and simple and tasty! I have been wanting to use lentils more often.

  6. this looks really good, and easy since you use pre-made puff pastry.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!