Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Chilli Beef Pies

Due to my change in work hours, it is getting harder and harder to prepare dinner regularly. One of my favourite meals to make and freeze are individual pies. This is also probably one of the hubby's most requested meal-simply because it is easy for him to grab a few pies off the freezer and re-heat it before I come home or to take it to work for lunch.

It is rare that I buy a pie (Unless it is Jesters' Pie) from the shops. There is just something odd or artificial testing in pies these days. Making our own pies means that my paranoid of what goes in our body gets satisfied and we have "slightly healthier" pies to eat.

Chilli Beef Pies (makes around 12-14 pies)
400 grams of lean beef mince
1 red onion chopped finely
chopped mushrooms
3 tsp of chilli powder
2 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce
3 cups of shredded low fat cheese
5 pieces of reduced fat puff pastry

Defrost puff pastry. Heat 1 tsp of oil and cook onion till soft. Add mince and browned. Add mushrooms and chilli powder and sauce. Taste and season. Cool.
Preheat pie maker. Cut pastry to size. Place bigger round pastry onto maker. Top with beef then cheese. Cover with 2nd piece of pastry. Cook till machine says done!
Repeat for other pies!

Serve with salad and chips.


  1. Your pie pastry looks beautiful.
    By the way, how do find about the Miami Bakehouse Pie in Australia?

  2. thx for the recipe dear. all your beef recipes entice me alot, not sure why haha!

  3. you're really pro now!! nice mini pie!!

  4. Hi hi little inbox- I found the miami bakehouse ok only! to be really honest..but we only tried the mandurah one..and the classic beef one? Didnt try others yet.

    evan- haha.. really? hmm.. and i dont cook beef often too, unless it is mince! LOL

    beachloverkitchen- no lah.. but really like pies! the pie maker is magic!

  5. Glad to see this post of yours, which means you shld be well and kicking now? :)

    I don't take beef, shld be alright to make do with chicken i guess.. By the way, I've passed you an award. Check it out at my blog. ;)

  6. Such a cute looking pie, you were right, it made such a fast and easy meal, not to say delicious.

  7. U make it sound easy to make pies! Really so easy? I must try it out one day, looks delish! hehe

  8. I need to find reduced fat puff pastry! I love it but always feel guilty. This is a great idea for those nights you dont feel like cooking.

  9. Aimei- Thanks for the award! I will pick it up!

    Little Corner-whatever is fast is good ya? =)

    noobcook-it is very easy! preferably to use a pie maker machine but even in the oven it's easy.. just abit more work.

    sharon- oo.. love the reduced fat one! Seriously good stuff.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!