Friday, August 07, 2009

Honey Roasted Spiced Pumpkin and Carrot Soup

I love my Kenwood FP920 Multi Pro food processor. It was my parents and grandmother's wedding present to us. My mom knows how much I have been wanting a food processor and surprised us by getting us one. She did not need to do that because we thought our family commitment to travel to all our wedding celebrations is a big gift enough

Mom is always curious to how I use the food processor/blender (or what they term as liquidizer). I remembered our old chunky one being stored away in the SG kitchen, rarely being taken out to use as it was quite cumbersome. This kenwood sits on my kitchen benchtop (even though our kitchen is extremely small) and I still go "awww" when I walk passed it.

I love my thick wintery soups. Hence it is no surprised that our first debut dish from the kenwood baby is Honey Spiced Pumpkin and Carrot soup! Mom and I are big fans of pumpkin soup so this is for you till you next come to Australia (seriously, she is a big fan, we carry tins of pumpkin soup back to SG for her... much to the amusement to the other nurses at the hospital she work in).

Look out- more dishes from our Kenwood food processor. I made quite a few soups and even made cake batter out of it. and cheesecake base is no longer a problem with a few whizzs!

Honey Roasted Spiced Pumpkin and Carrot Soup
1.5 kg of Butternut Pumpkin diced
1 kg of carrots diced
1 red onion diced
1 cup of honey
1/4 cup of olive oil
2 tsp of cumin
2 tsp of chilli powder
1 tsp of garam masala
4-6 cups of low sodium chicken/vege stock

Toss all veges in spices, honey and oil. Roast veges for around 45 mins. Place roasted veges in a big pot and add stock. Boil for around 20 minutes and cool. Taste. Add seasoning if needed. Put soup in batches into blender. Whiz till smooth. Transfer back to pot and heat. Serve with toasted cheese bread or just by itself.

This is my first entry to Weekend Herb Blogging. It's Host's Dhanggit Kitchen's little girl's birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY dearie. Dhanggit's blog is one of the inspiration baking sites I go to regularly..all those french makes me drool.

Butternut Pumpkin belongs to the family of squash. One thing I love about the nutty taste of this vegetable is that it can be made into creamy mash or soups without the added fat. Not only that, it has the added nutrition of betacarotene which then converts to Vitamin A in our bodies- Great for our eyesight and other degenerative diseases.


  1. What a healthy and delicious entry for WHB!! Thanks!!

    ps, Funny but you know I never succeed in using a blender or a food processor. I always make mistake in finding the right part that goes with it..good thing hubby is there to help me LOL

  2. I love pumpkin, and the soup must be nice to be taken in winter season.

  3. Hi Daphne! I got a Google account!

    I have a Cuisinart food processor. I don't use it all the time, but I sure love it when I do. Some recipe prep time can be cut in half (or more) when you use one of these babies! It is great for soups.

    I love pumpkin, butternut squash, and carrot, so I know I would enjoy this soup. When it cools down here, I'll try it.

  4. Dhanggit- Thanks for inviting me to this event! I have always wanted to participate it in and your email spur me on!

    Little inbox- oh yes!! I love it!

    Amy!!- Welcome!!! Cusinart food processor was what we wanted but too expensive!! But yes, I sooo agree with you..the food processor is really handy in prep food esp when u need large quantities of grated veges or blending up dips/soups!

  5. I love my Cuisinart food processor too, the best investment yet. Love your healthy soup too.

  6. sighh i'm still waiting for FBB to invite me to a magimix party :( i wanted to get that one but i oso saw this kenwood here and very tempted to get it :p

  7. Hi, food processor is a must for me in the kitchen too ! I was hunting for one lately & decided on a KA brushed metal one. Gosh, it's heavy, at 15kg, got my sister to buy it for me as a house warming gift & hubby's friend lugged it back to KK from Sin for me.

  8. It's gorgeous the processor, but I don't have tabletop space for it. And the soup is one of my favs too. :)

  9. oh wow! I so need a food processor! Lucky gal :) This would come in so handy when it comes to crushing biccies and puree-ing veggies (I crushed biccies for a base with.... a mortar and pestle lol took sooo long)

  10. Thanks for the recipe, seems to be great for a dessert haha thanks for sharing I think this one I already saw it in a flyer in generic viagra lab, where I work, Anwyay thanks for sharing.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!