Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Roast- Mint Lamb Roast with Veges

I have always been quite puzzled with why roasts are so popular in an English household or perhaps even a Aussie household? I used to think that chunks of meat can be so tasteless and tough!

Now though, I realise how easy a roast make a good hearty dinner. Pop it in the oven, cook it for 1 hr or so..and add some root veges..Tadah, dinner is served. I usually freeze a portion to cook it with pasta which makes a nice and tasty left over dish.

The only problem is it usually takes around 2 hours to make a roast!

Mint Lamb Roast with Veges
(serves 4-6)
1 kg of Lamb Roast-I bought the pre-packaged one marinated with mint and rosemary.
1 carrot diced
1/2 sweet potato diced
1 red capsicum
2-3 cups of mushrooms
1 red onion diced
2 potatos diced
1 small yam (happen to have that in the fridge!) diced

Roast lamb. Add veges mid way through. Served with some gravy and have a good meat attack!


  1. I have never had lamb! My sister has been raving about it for years and I always see these amazing recipes in magazines, but... someday. I think a roast would be a good way to get my feet wet.

  2. Haha, really a good meat attack. I don't like the smell of lamb, too strong for me.

  3. yum! I remember the roast I had at Kenneth's place last year
    it was on special at woolies too! Hehz...

    add on a bit of sauce too...all the more yummilicious =)

  4. 2 hrs is too long for wait.

  5. Errr...two slics please. I'm hungry!

  6. That pic makes me crave lamb right now.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!