Friday, September 11, 2009

Red Curry Pumpkin Soup with Mango Chilli Sausages and Parmesan Waffles

oops! Sorry about this long title but I really excited to share this soup with you today. It's thick and rich and SPICY! A colleague of mine said to me that she added 2 tablespoons of left over thai red curry paste to her pumpkin soup and it had a huge punch to it. That got me excited and I returned home to try it that weekend.

As usual, I empty my fridge of vege-including one leek and a few potatoes to the pumpkin. The dear hubby then said to me he would prefer to have some MEAT in his soup which left me scurrying around-lucky though I did buy some Mango Chilli Sausages from Leanards so it was handy.

Red Curry Pumpkin Soup with Mango Chilli Sausages and Parmesan Waffles (Serves 6)
800 grams of butternut pumpkin
4 royal blue potatoes peeled and diced
1 red onion chopped
1 leek chopped (White part only)
3 carrots peeled and chopped
1 ltr of vege stock
2 tablespoon of red thai curry paste

1 cup of parmesan cheese

3 mango chilli sausages.

Saute onion in a deep pot. Add curry paste in and cook till it smells oh so good. Then add the diced pumpkin, carrots and potatoes. Add stock. Simmer for around 20-25 minutes.

Mean while, grill sausages till done. Rest. Sliced.

Cool soup for 5 mins.
Whizz the pumpkin soup up in batches (see, told u I love my food processor!). Return to pot. Add sausages.

Turn up the heat in your oven to around 200C. Sprinkle cheese on lined cookie tray. Grill it for around 5 minutes till it all melt. Cool slight. Break it up in pieces. Serve with soup.


  1. This sounds great! So, you eat it on its own?

  2. Now THAT sounds like one fantastic soup. Love all of those ingredients.

  3. I can imagine how good the soup is especially on a cold night. Love the name too!

  4. little inbox- Yes! It is a meal on its own. We did have it with a bread roll though.

    amy- aww. thanks dear.

    Precious pea- hehe. oh yeah, it was served on a cold windy day.

  5. First time I heard of mango chili sausage! Can you taste mango in it?

  6. So original! And it looks a great way to enjoy pumpkins

  7. Looks delish esp with the added spice!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!