Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chorizo Seafood Pilaf

What sunny weather we are having in Perth currently. A top of 37C on Saturday and another sunny day to follow today. If this is Spring October, I shudder to know what the heat is going to be like in Summer!!!!!

October has always hold a very special place in my heart. Somehow, spring does wonders to one's outlook doesn't it?

A couple of things are going to change to this blog pretty soon- I hope to bring a prettier blog look and hopefully that will be more easy on the eye. It's time for a change soon don't you think? =)

I wrote about my find about chorizo recently-and the added special touch to the sauce base of pasta. What I did further was to simmer the sauce but added rice and stock to make a pilaf. A easy one pot dish (just remember to serve veges on the side) for sure.

Now, let's just hope it's not going to get warmer than what we already have during the weekend or else it's going to be more salads and salads soon! LOL

Chorizo Seafood Pilaf
1 can of garlic and oregano diced tomato
1/2 chorizo
1 chilli chopped
1 tomato chopped
1 tsp of chopped garlic
2 cups of rice
300 grams of seafood marinara
1 tsp of mixed herbs
1 cup of stock/water. (U can also use 1/2 cup of red wine + stock for a stronger flavour)

Fry chorizo and garlic . Add all tomatoes and chilli. Simmer for around 2-3 minutes adding a dash of vege stock or water along the way.

Add rice and stir well. Add stock and simmer for around 15 minutes till the rice is nearly cooked. Place marinara on top of rice, sprinkle mixed herbs and simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

Serve with grilled veges.


  1. Ooo... the toppings look so tempting.

  2. This looks divine! Love the seafood topping!

  3. I love chorizo and your pilaf seems to be packed with flavors! thanks for sharing :)

  4. So yummy....I love the seafood you have.

  5. Very lovely seafood pilaf. Yums!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!