Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dark Chocolate and Almond Torte

When it comes to making cakes, I have to say that it is only recently that I got more into it. Somehow, many of my cakes come out looking more warped with cracked tops... oh, and I am not very patient in decorating cakes either!

A series of birthdays allowed me to get back into the kitchen and start the practice. A flourless cake with simple vienna almonds as decorations seem to be the way to start!The result was a rich and dense cake. That certainly hit the chocolate lover in me.

Dark Chocolate and Almond Torte (from Womens' Weekly)
160 grams of dark choc bits
160grams butter
5 eggs seperated
3/4 cup of caster sugar
1 cup of almond meal
2/3 cup of tasted flaked almonds
1/3 cup of dark chocolate bits (extra)
1 cup of vienna almonds (or more!)

Dark Chocolate Ganache
125 grams dark eating chocolate chopped coaresly
1/3 cup of thickened cream.

Preheat Oven to 180C. Grease 9inch cake pan. Line it.
Melt chocolate and butter till it become smooth. Cool
Beat egg yolks and sugar till it becomes thick and creamy (electric mixer). Fold in chocolate mixture, almond meal, flaked almonds and rest of the chocolate bits.
In another clean dry bow, whisk egg white till soft peaks form. Fold into chocolate mixture in two batches. Pour mixture in pan and bake for around 45 minutes. Cool in pan. Turn cake, top side up onto wire rack to cool.

Meanwhile melt chocolate and cream. Cool. Spread ganache onto cool cake. Decorate cake with vienna almonds.
ps-vienna almonds are caramal coated almonds.


  1. I don't know about the others, but this one sure doesn't looked warped or cracked. Good god, that looks fantastic...and nice touch with the vienna almonds. Now I want dessert.

  2. sinful sinful with choco and almond :P

  3. Every time when the cake is done, I just can't wait to taste it. That's why I never have a good looking cake for photo shooting, hehe...
    Your cake is so moist and nice! Yum yum!

  4. Oh yum, I loved anything with chocolate!

  5. It looks gorgeous. When are you going to bake me one for my birthday. ;)

  6. This looks good! The choc looks sinfully rich, the way I like it ^_^

  7. This is so sinful Daphne! I love it!! I am so copying this recipe :-)

  8. Mmm... this is right up my alley, Daphne. Been on such a chocolate cake kick recently. The almond meal is such a good idea.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!