Thursday, November 12, 2009

Maggi Mee Stir Fry

What was your first cooking experience like?

Mine started off with some simple instant noodles. Actually my favorite was the Ramen Char Mee from Myojo(?). I could devour 2 packets at one sitting!

This was probably one of the first REAL dish that I learned how to cook when growing up- Fried maggi mee (instant noodles) with egg. For some odd reason, it is sooo comforting and certainly still hit a good spot in me when it is fried up.

So it isn't as oily or delicious as a packet of instant noodles but at least some calories were saved. 

Some chicken, fresh veges and quick dinner is made. Best of all, it tastes better the next day.
*Slurp Slurp*

Maggie Mee Stir Fry (Stir Fry Instant Noodles)
3-4 blocks of instant noodles blanched or cooked in boiling water.
1 bunch of spring onions sliced
1/2 cup of cauliflower
1/2 cup of carrots
1 chili chopped
1tsp garlic minced
300 grams chicken breast diced

4-5 tablespoons of kikoman soya sauce
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
2 tsp sesame oil
1-2 tsp of chili powder or curry powder
1-3 tablespoon of shao xien jiu (wine)
pepper! heaps of pepper!

3 eggs
Saute garlic and chili. Brown chicken. Toss vege and noodles in till cooked. Add in seasoning and eggs. Serve with crispy shallots (and sometimes sambal chili!)

I'm sharing this very simple dish with my friends from Presto Pasta organized by Ruth. This week Chaya of Sweet & Savory Says It All is hosting! 


  1. This always satisfy my crave for instant noodles.

  2. when i need to indulge in the mamak, this is it!

  3. Good question Daphne...what was the first meal I ever learned to cook? Hmm. Honestly, I cannot remember. I do remember living off of Top Ramen, and Baked potatoes in college. Does that count? Man, I have come a loooong way!

  4. I just had maggi goreng in KL last week!!! ahhh bliss!

  5. little inbox-me too!

    joe- argghh I MISS MAMAK!

    amy- I will take top ramen and baked potatoes! hahahahaa.. I used to cooked everything in oyster sauce!

    Petrina- ENVIOUS! I want some..! LOL

    Little corner- hehehe, ^5

  6. I love when you add vegetables to a pasta dish, making it that much healthier. The Ramen noodles are more attractive than the heavier pasta making a great looking dish.
    Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  7. my first cooking experience was frying an egg!!lol

    what a great entry for pasta nights!!

  8. I must not have been here in a the new layout! So pretty.

    My first cooking experience was making fried chicken cutlets and a box mix of rice pilaf for my friends. This looks infinitely better :D

  9. Lovely new look to the blog...and I'm happy to say...more of the same great content!

    I especially like this dish. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!