Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Greetings from Germany!

Hallo! Greetings from snowy and cold Germany. Hubby and I are finally on our long awaited honeymoon. We travelled to Demark, Copenhagan last Tuesday and have been around Germany since last Friday. It started snowing on the first day we arrived- which we were told that it is quite uncommon in Europe to snow that much in December. Oh well, we totally enjoyed every minute of the snow. Too bad it was too soft to make a snowman.

In Europe, we had a great time tasting and trying out different kinds of food.

First stop- Illum ( a big shopping centre) on Stöget, Copehengan. We are not sure what it is called but it has mazapan at the bottom, soft meringue on the top and then covered with dark chocolate. Our friend told us that is a popular chocolate snack during Christmas time.

The magic occurred when we walked along the streets of Danmark. SNOW! Lots of snow. So much that we had to take refuge in a quint little cafe which we enjoyed a huge hot mocha while watching the snow falls.

We went to the Tivoli markets. A huge Christmas surprise with lots of fun rides. Not that we went on any rides but just took in all the wonderful sights and lights! It was soooo sooo beautiful and magical. The top photo shows a hot wine drine glögg which is spiced red wine with silvered almonds and sultanas. It was a very drink in cold snowy weather. The little snacks tasted like cinnamon spiced mini donuts. Again, Lone told us that it is a traditional Christmas snack eaten with cranberry sauce.

A visit to Danmark will not be complete without our experience at a hotdog stand.


This hotdog has chopped onions, mustard, gerkins and crispy shallots on it. Very warming to the tummy.


Can't leave Denmark without DANISHES and pastries!! The bottom one is really special. It is sort of like a puff pastry but has sugar sprinkled on it with some forms of seeds. Very delish.

Next stop

Breakfast to fill our tummy up.
Honestly, I have no idea what I was eating because it says special musli! No harm trying right? It was very oaty with lots of cinnamon.

Hubby had a toasted sandwich with lots of mozerella cheese, pear and some cranberry sauce.

More Christmas markets- we were on the hunt for some WURST.

This was the basic one with nothing on it. We added mustard and some tomato sauce on the side stand.

Oh, we can't forget the sauerkaut and wurst with a bowl of champinons and bread.

The hubby is happy.

The next day, we explored the Berlin City. Took the S and U bahns (Trains) and ended up in a huge shopping centre. We spent 2 hrs wondering around the food area! Finally we settled in the food court and I had fish soup.

Salads with lots of dressings and a hot main meal with pork steak. One thing for sure, the Germans were generous with their dressings. The pork steak was really tender.


Back to the food area, we zoned in quickly at the dessert section filled with rows and rows of sweets! This one has lots of pumkin seeds and tasted like bikenstich.

We headed to a small village to be with our friends Haz and Hanno. Then we went to Köln and visited a big catheral. Happens to have another Christmas Market just right outside the Dom. It seems that is the biggest one in Germany too.


We were told that we had to try curry wurst-which turns out....

to be cut up wurst topped with curry sauce! Not very impressive but interesting!

Next to the wurst stall is a stall that sells Solvanish food. It's toasted bread with different toppings include goats cheese, tomato puree and olive tapanade.

We proceeded our long walk by the Rhine river and ended up in a Chocolate museum. Really facinating stuff.

Also proof that chocolate is good for us!

Lots of chocolate treats!
This was dark chocolate mousse.

My personal favourite: Hot chocolate with baileys!


What is more special is authentic Black Forest Cake that Haz made for us!


And one of our main reasons to be in Germany: Welcome little Hanna! The new addition to our friend's family!



  1. Wow, envy! Enjoy your honeymoon!

  2. Enjoy your wonderful honeymoon!!

  3. 5 years later, Paul and I have still never had a honeymoon. So, I will live vicariously through you. What fun...and I'm drooling over here looking and reading at all the tastes you're experiencing!

    Happy holidays and a safe new year to you, Daphne.

  4. Wow, you are having your honeymoon in Europe :) Hope you were not affected by the bad winter storms over there. Meantime, enjoy and Happy Holidays!

  5. Have fun with your honeymoon in Europe! (I sure wish I was back in the UK/Germany now... I would love to see snow!)

    Merry Xmas to you and your hubby too! :)

  6. Merry Christmas Daphne and Armand! You too having too much fun aren´t you! Hehehe ... enjoyyyyy lah, and have a great New Year Eve celebration while you are there! Enjoy the bubblies as much as you can while there too, coz its cheap!

  7. Ahhh.. so much yummy food! *drools* Your honeymoon sounds lovely... Happy New Year! :)


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!