Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stuffed Ham and Couscous Capsicum

I try to have vegetarian meal or at least a meal that has more veges than meat a few times a week. I have previously thought that vegetarian meals are boring and stayed away from them. I mean, how much fun can grilled vegetables be right? noo Wrong...

My first encounter of stuffed capsicum was at the Country Road Cafe on Murray Street. Yup, it is situated in Country Road (the clothing store) itself. I love how couscous and cheese stuffed in capsicum can be so flavour some. Given that juicy big red capsicum are in season, I thought I would give it a go in our kitchen.

I had a packet of instant Anisley couscous left and used that instead. Hubby wants some meat so I shredded ham and toss into the mixture of couscous, feta cheese and cashew nuts. Top with some cheese and it was a satisfying meal for two.

Today marks my last day of work for the year! HOLIDAYS for meeeeeeeeeee.. WoohoO!

Stuffed Ham and Couscous Capsicum
2 big red Capsicum
1 packet of Anisley spice sensation couscous cooked as per instructions
1 50 grams packet of honey baked ham shredded
20 grams of crumbed feta
1/4 cup of cashews
1/4 cup of cheddar cheese

Cut Capsicum into half and wash the seeds out. Dry with paper towels.

Line trays with baking paper. Pre heat oven to 200 C.

Mix couscous, feta, ham and cashews together. Spoon mixture into capsicum cups. Sprinkle with cheese.

Grill for around 15-20 mins.
Serve with a salad


  1. I have been eating more vegetarian dishes recently too and true, it is not at all boring.

  2. I learn to cook vegetarian food too, like my fresh mushroom dishes that previously posted. We all should eat a more healthy diet. :)
    Keep it up!

  3. Such a great idea! The peppers is a great vessel for feelings. Happy Holidays!

  4. First of all, happy holidays to you! I like to eat more veggies too.

  5. i love vegetarian meals :)

    Lucky you, I have no more until next year!!

    Can't wait to see the near kitchen! Reno going okay?


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!