Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Garlic Tomato Ginger Shallots Sausage Spaghetti

I was surprised to spot a packet of Ginger Shallots Sausages from Woolworths-even better was that they were extra lean. Sausages are so handy to have in the freezer. We are eating less of them because we are becoming quite conscious about the the type of meat that it contains. This one appears ok though-and with the flavours ginger shallots, it was hard to resist!

I themed the sausages up with some spicy garlic tomato sauce. A sprinkle of Parmesan cheese brings a sharpness to it.

Garlic Tomato Ginger Shallots Sausage Spaghetti  (serves 4)
250 grams spag cooked
1 tin of garlic diced tomatoes
1 roma tomato diced
1 tsp of minced garlic
1 packet of Ginger Shallots Sausages diced
1 tsp of chili powder
2 cups of diced button mushrooms
Parmesan Cheese

Saute garlic. Add tin of tomatoes and diced fresh tomatoes. Cook sausages in sauce. Add around 1/4 cup of water and simmer. Season with chili powder and pepper. Add diced mushrooms. Simmer for another 10 minutes and toss spag through. Serve with Parmesan cheese.

After a loooong break, I am finally back on the wagon with Pasta Presto founded by Ruth! This week, it is hosted by A Scientist in the Kitchen.


  1. Ginger Shallots Sausages? Okay, YUM. I've never heard of these. Wonder if I can find them at my local market. I can imagine how good that pasta dish was. Nom nom nom.

  2. I've tried these sausages, but simon was not a fan...

  3. What a glorious combination of ingredients in those sausages! Wish we had some here. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  4. The ginger and shallots made the sausages sound healthier ya. Lovely pasta dish!

  5. amy-Gosh, but u guys have such better range of ingredients over at your end of the world!

    Petrina- Ar says it is a bit too lean! hahaha.

    Ruth- =)

    Little corner- thanks dear! Yes, it is healthier than the other types of sausages.

  6. wow, yet another daphne's awesome pasta! ;)

  7. Mmmm, those sausages sound fantastic! Looks like a really tasty pasta dish. :)

  8. This pasta looks gorgeous.

  9. I have definitely never had ginger in sausage but it sounds quite ideal. What a great pasta dish!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!